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  1. K

    Democratic Voters Are Done with Party Centrists—and the Progressives Are a Majority Toss your own salad, centrists. Centrism is surrender.
  2. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Oh dear, Mr. Pot is mad at Mr. Kettle. Sad. But it's the same as it ever was, centrism is surrender.
  3. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Oh dear, Mr. Pot is mad at Mr. Kettle. Sad.
  4. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Centrism is surrender, centrism is Nazism.
  5. K

    Kelly: Mueller Investigation Distracting President Trump

    Well Boo Fucking Hoo. I hope it gives him a Tom-Petty-style cardiac arrest.
  6. K

    What are you smoking today?

    Mine is darker green than that. Maybe overexposure in the camera.
  7. K

    What are you smoking today?

    My recently harvested Kosher Kush. Good doG is this shit powerful.
  8. K

    F*ck you centrists, Democratic primary WAS rigged. "Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call. I had promised Bernie when I took the...
  9. K

    Judge blocks Trump's transgender military ban

    If I'm following anyone, it's by mistake. I follow no one, least of all centrists. Centrism delivered us here. Anyone to the right of me should be shipped to Mars and shoved out into the airless vacuum.
  10. K

    Judge blocks Trump's transgender military ban

    You talkin' to yourself? Centrism is death. Hillary and her neocon centrist pals thought it was the way to beat Hitler. Care to try for two out of three? Don't piss and moan about the popular vote, that's a non-starter until the EC is eliminated. It's OK, humans will be extinct in 40 years. That...
  11. K

    Judge blocks Trump's transgender military ban

    Centrism is surrender.
  12. K

    Judge blocks Trump's transgender military ban

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Her'll tweet about that, too.
  13. K

    Who’s it gunna be??? “Bets” anyone?

    It's not only indictment day, it's first puff on this year's crop day, and it was MAGNIFICENT!!! Kosher Kush.
  14. K

    Who’s it gunna be??? “Bets” anyone?

    They added two charges to the list.
  15. K

    So, whose head is 1st on the chopping block?

    I just hope Manafort doesn't become a latter-day Scooter Libby. Oh, fucking look it up, you retards,
  16. K

    So, whose head is 1st on the chopping block?

    Fucking everyone will roll on Trump. Even Christie, once he stops tossing Donald's salad.
  17. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    How ironic you would admit the old guard of the Democratic party has failed (Hillary and her Wal-Street-fellating supporters like you and Fuck) yet you mock the "Nascent movement..." and side with the old guard. Centrists are traitors.
  18. K

    Democratic Senator, Dick Durban: 'We Should Appeal To The Center'

    Reminder: Centrism is death.
  19. K

    Name a country that's better than America

    Where do you live?
  20. K

    Name a country that's better than America

    Where do you live?