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  1. K

    I am a soldier in the war against Xmas but I like this...

    I heard my first wretched Xmas ad today, so I decided it was time to fight back. Ah LURVES me some old testament.
  2. K

    Name a country that's better than America

    Best television since "The West Wing." Why not? Sorkin wrote it.
  3. K

    Name a country that's better than America

    No. Red states never want to help out blue states with disasters, they vote for retards like Jeff Sessions, Roy Moore and Ted Cruz. FUCK THE RED STATES!!! Let them burn, shake (from fracking) and drown. Better off without 'em. Let the south burn like we did with Koresh in Waco.
  4. K

    Name a country that's better than America

    UGLY, fucking women.
  5. K

    What Are You Listening To?

    Nothing but Petty, ever since he died.
  6. K

    Trump unites NFL - against him.

    Trump's only value is as a corpse.
  7. K

    Free Grow Software!

    OK, I get it, you won't do iOS or Mac. Might have been nice if you didn't take SEVEN YEARS to say that. .Net. #smh
  8. K

    Free Grow Software!

    Still no iOS version?
  9. K

    Anquan Boldin gets it...

    'It's A Battle For All Of Us': Anquan Boldin Retires To Focus On Activism Activism = fighting Trump. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Suck it, Nazis!!!
  10. K

    Obama tolerance tweet becomes most liked

    You tell me. Edit: As expected, you got nuthin'.
  11. K

    Obama tolerance tweet becomes most liked

    Whose sock am I?
  12. K

    Obama tolerance tweet becomes most liked

    Dumbass pedo.
  13. K

    Obama tolerance tweet becomes most liked

    No, sir. Death lasts longer. Honest.
  14. K

    They don't even repdidite racism.

    Bite me.
  15. K

    They don't even repdidite racism.

    THANK YOU!!! A tip to all you youthful leftists, from an OLD leftist - if you want to be taken seriously, proofread your posts and fix them before assholes like me can see your idiocy and make fun of you. Auto-correct is no excuse. If you can't spell or write, STOP TRYING!!!
  16. K

    Trump disbands manufacturing councils after mass CEO defection.

    Or even SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! ;)
  17. K

    the effort to start a civil war

    Lying pedo.
  18. K

    the effort to start a civil war

    FIFY, pedo.