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  1. F

    any tips on chopping

    Use a very sharp knife.
  2. F

    Rust spots fan leaves please help:(

    I agree, it looks like either a calcium or manganese deficiency.
  3. F

    How to get money?

    Well, you could whore yourself out to a thousand fat chicks for 50 bucks apiece. Or - or - or 50 *really* fat chicks for a thousand bucks. What? Don't look at me like that. Fat chicks need love too. But they gotta pay!
  4. F

    Lollipopped or Popped a molly?

    Why did you defoliated so much? Day 53 would have gotten you a better yield than day 59, Wasted time and energy to hurt your own yield if you ask me.
  5. F

    Growth rate up to standard?

    I am gonna be mainlining one of the clone on my next grow. I just wanted to see how she grows naturally without any training. This light can grow 2-3 easily if i had more space to work with. So far in veg these lights are doing a pretty good job. I can see people using this light only for two...
  6. F

    Growth rate up to standard?

    well i see her calyx hair has appear :hump:. Yay! but im not gonna flower her just yet. Taking clones from her seem to have shock her a little bit as she is not her perky self. I didn't think i took too much from her. She look slightly sad today :shock: She is a droopy so i water and fed her...
  7. F

    My first official grow coming to an end hoping for comments please:)

    Oh my mistake. It would have been a shame if you did though. Cause I can see they are close to finish, they will pack on size near the end. I saw it with my own eyes and was amazed by how much they fatten up near the end.
  8. F

    heating problems with LEDs

    Like someone mention, if you wanted it a bit hotter add some cfls. It would also add some extra lights for them too so why not? But 70-75 is excellent temperature range. Don't need worry about it when it is not a problem.
  9. F

    lights on or off during chop

    "Legend says that you give them darkness for 3 -4 days" improves the trich production or something like that.
  10. F

    Veg time

    How old are they? They look healthy. What lights are you using? If you don't mind me asking.
  11. F

    heating problems with LEDs

    Those look awesome, short and bushy. Just wondering how old are they? Did you top them?
  12. F

    My first official grow coming to an end hoping for comments please:)

    Did you let them finish? It looks like you may have chopped early as all the hairs are all white. They pack on a ton of weight in a very short amount of time near their finish time.
  13. F

    heating problems with LEDs

    That's a good temperate range. No need for more heat.
  14. F

    Growth rate up to standard?

    Thanks, like I said, once I switch both on, it grew 3 inches in a 8 days I even raised the lights higher and cut one hour off. From 20/4 to 19/5. It is about 17 inches from the lights.
  15. F

    Co2 deficiency?

    Since you say your location requires a heater, im thinking you are better off using a HID lighting instead of those cfls and heater. The HID can keep your plants nice and warm. Also at that stage of a young seedling life, you are better off using an inert medium. That don't need nutes till at...
  16. F

    Growth rate up to standard?

    Well it grew one inch today, it is 11 inches wide and 7 inches tall. here is a picture of it in sunlight. Gonna flower it by the 6th week cause i think she will stretch a bit.
  17. F

    After two weeks in flower....

    cool, mind telling us what the strain is?
  18. F

    is this male?

    Hard to tell with the flash. Looks like a calyx but the pistils didn't pop out yet. But im not 100% sure from the flash obscuring the image.
  19. F

    Growth rate up to standard?

    Well it's been 5 week now and i am happy to report that it is indeed growing up big and strong. It is now a little over 6 inches tall now with many compact node sites. I did switch on the bloom doubling the light and also raising the light up a bit. I am currently doing 19 hours on 5 hours off...
  20. F

    First Closet Grow. 10/12/2016 Closet

    PH is hella important, back when I first started growing I ignored balancing my ph. I just winged it and boy did it affected my plants. During vegs, ph isn't as vital and you cannot tell as clearly as during the flowering stage. But a ph imbalance during veg can show up. Oh and using organic...