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  1. pinkjackyle

    Dick pics, for or against?

    im sure medical dick pics will be allowed , as were all into learning and whatnot . i would also include vag pics , this could get ...
  2. pinkjackyle

    New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

    this would be a better discussion if it were after the trial or decision or whatever .
  3. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    replace the sugar with cocane lol :lol:
  4. pinkjackyle

    For all of you stooges terrified of ebola...

    im going back way b4 this.
  5. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    i hope im around long enuff to see the mekong , i just disagreed with admin. on a thread , we shall see . looking good , a good puff will make you forget the sore hands.
  6. pinkjackyle

    New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

    thats some bullshit , raceism cuts both ways
  7. pinkjackyle

    For all of you stooges terrified of ebola...

    we are still learning how advanced the old world was , and i dont think my analogy was a great leap
  8. pinkjackyle

    For all of you stooges terrified of ebola...

    library of alexandria for 1, and the most notable ,as it was the epicenter of scientists in the ancient world. so i guess technically it would be an international academy .
  9. pinkjackyle

    For all of you stooges terrified of ebola...

    imagine how eratosthenes felt when he proposed that the earth was round. all worlds known science academies were wrong
  10. pinkjackyle

    Dick pics, for or against?

    you dont need dick pics if you have a firm grasp of your man to hand relationship
  11. pinkjackyle

    Share a Joke :)

    whats worse than a male chauvinist pig ? a woman that wont do , as she is told .
  12. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    hope you will give a smoke report on the mekong , i know you saidit was hash bound , but perhaps pack a bowl or 2 thx.:joint:
  13. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    i agree the torabora looks wicked . whats that mekongs trichs looking like ?looking gud
  14. pinkjackyle

    After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High

    they got 50 million texans ?!! GAWD DAMNNN !!! :joint::eyesmoke: :lol:
  15. pinkjackyle

    majority of employers favor raising minimum wage . good read
  16. pinkjackyle

    majority of employers favor raising minimum wage

    you have to go back and see what the fed did after nixon took us off the gold standard to truely understand what happened to inflation and how interest rates got so manipulated , when that happened we invented the petro dollar , a petro certificate in essence. paul volcker jacked up interest...
  17. pinkjackyle

    After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High

    this is silly as shit and im a JACKASS for even posting in this thread
  18. pinkjackyle

    Done with this resteraunt industry bs

    be a greenhorn on a plumbing crew , then well talk shit jobs , soaking wet in 20deg weather coveralls freezing to the ground with you in them . crawling under a old house with about a 1-1/2 foot crawlspace just to have somebody walk across the floor and pin ya to the ground stuck between 2 floor...
  19. pinkjackyle

    After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High

    weed is about as benign as it gets .ill take weed over liquer & pills every time . the only person that died was wacked out to begin with then turned a gun on his wife then himself.
  20. pinkjackyle

    Gallup: America voted biggest threat to world peace

    these people are also poor for the most part . that poverty keeps them from doing things we take for granted , not to mention the lack of edu. religion sets itself as a place to be saved and thats what poor people want, to be saved from the hell they are in . they dont realize they are pawns in...