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  1. pinkjackyle

    Should Kodank smoke DMT?

    ayahuasca ... wiggin nutts
  2. pinkjackyle

    Should Kodank smoke DMT?

    plant you some salvia nxt spring an let the good times roll . or go for the cheap hi , trichloramethane aka scotchguard and a rag . or not ...
  3. pinkjackyle

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    id say 2 gallons would be better ,but yea if its a big 1. youll have to water everyday when it gets a foot or 2 tall.
  4. pinkjackyle

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    throwdo up a link
  5. pinkjackyle


    i share youre sentiment , i only point this out as theyre part of the eu . but they aint the only ones in the eu that wish we would disappear .
  6. pinkjackyle


    i nowe crwon ewe gRmaMre nasi fele spcial nowe , ?
  7. pinkjackyle


    i dont propose murder , deportation . we have an israeli spy in prision now , should give a glimpse of what kind of friend they really are.
  8. pinkjackyle


    china , india , australia have said fk it were using fossil fuel and the first 2 represent what ? a 1/3rd of world population , russia will get rich supplying china with oil and gas for the next 60-80-100yrs were in a love hate relationship with most of the world , just ask your average...
  9. pinkjackyle


    humans have been waging war since b4 recorded history , its what we do , its what we will continue to do untill we go the way of the dinosaur . so to blame some and not all for their part is disingenuous .
  10. pinkjackyle


    doer you are a symbol of hate you your rants are childish the fact is i think you hate white america
  11. pinkjackyle

    DC's Round 2 Multi strain

    i have the veg /flower all in 1 bulb one side is blue the other red/purple.
  12. pinkjackyle

    DC's Round 2 Multi strain

    yes i know dc is using floro's . i was just saying that inductions are nice . as for chinese lights check out suzhou jolighting i have a 500 watt ordered thru alibaba but they have their own websight . so far so good ,as i think they make the i grow lights they look exactly the same
  13. pinkjackyle

    Where did you have sex for the first time?

    even tho its a remix it still takes me back to 1987 . 90cents a gal for gasoline $1.20 pack of smokes and nobody had their face crammed in a smartphone . damn im getting old
  14. pinkjackyle


    karma is a bitch .
  15. pinkjackyle

    California is drying up faster than Barbara Streisand's vagina

    red red wine makes me feel so fine , feel so fine all of da time red red wiiiiiiinnnneeeeeee
  16. pinkjackyle


    we are bombing the 1's thats trying to take out assad , i mean wtf , obamer hates the assad regime and has said as much . i thought the enemy of our enemy is our friend , unless there is a differant motive .
  17. pinkjackyle


    no drama is dead on this is all about putting a gas/oil pipeline thru syria to europe.
  18. pinkjackyle

    California is drying up faster than Barbara Streisand's vagina

    i wasnt really talking about manufacturing , but you are right ww2 saw the destruction of almost all manufacturing outside the us . the people were differant then you knew all your neighbors and they helped onne another out because they couldnt rely on welfare .robots will replace all the...
  19. pinkjackyle

    DC's Round 2 Multi strain

    grow forth and multiply
  20. pinkjackyle

    5 word story

    germans also like liverwerst too