Search results

  1. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    lets have alook at that furry bitch , mekong
  2. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    oh yea time to break out the fiskers
  3. pinkjackyle

    How did you find this place?

    was looking to up my outdoor and pow also wanted to see what was out there what other people were doing .
  4. pinkjackyle

    New Apartment

    trade school , get online and check out the neighborhood look for training on the job even if it relocates you . if you are willing to be good at it resources can be found
  5. pinkjackyle

    New Apartment

    ive seen 180+ but i aint sippin on that i degrease motors with that .
  6. pinkjackyle

    Making Money

    just be a thief your ashy ass could hide in the gravel driveway . be all chameleon and stealth like
  7. pinkjackyle

    New Apartment

    in not really catching youre drift , i am however a hilbilly and selfproclamed and i prefer my shine at about 100 proof , when i was drinking .
  8. pinkjackyle

    New Apartment

    learn to weld stainless steel and al.alloys learn mechanical welding .dont settle for a job at dumpster world , look for oil rig werk see what kind of skills they want and persue them . doing complex welding on complex metals is an art .
  9. pinkjackyle

    New Apartment

    well then that is differant, you shouldnt have time for weed with all that studying . good luck werk hard now play hard later
  10. pinkjackyle

    ebola panic - wtf?

    if you have the cure for stupidity let me be the first to buy unclebucky a dose .
  11. pinkjackyle

    New Apartment

    no way in hell i would stay in an apartment , two jobs if i had to but i aint living in a damn apartment .
  12. pinkjackyle

    Beardo, Let's Talk Aliens

    ive noticed that male doctors that keep their hands on your shoulder while giving the exam charge much less. thank you obamer care .
  13. pinkjackyle

    ebola panic - wtf?

    another foreign news outlet links us bio warefare labs to ebola outbreak . truthstream a good read if you are inclined to do so.
  14. pinkjackyle

    Beardo, Let's Talk Aliens

    so how deep did you venture down in the depths of uranus
  15. pinkjackyle

    Beardo, Let's Talk Aliens

    the secret is in uranus
  16. pinkjackyle

    ebola panic - wtf?

    ebola diamonds , rubber , oil and lotts of fresh water
  17. pinkjackyle

    Kuwait gave almost $4,000 to every citizen in 2011, what were the results?

    oh not so ! im for the chicken wingers .
  18. pinkjackyle

    Kuwait gave almost $4,000 to every citizen in 2011, what were the results?

    no thats the buttplug getting slammed in youre ass . fap fap fart , fap fap fart , fap fap fart .
  19. pinkjackyle

    Kuwait gave almost $4,000 to every citizen in 2011, what were the results?

    boom & bust boom & bust boom & bust , this is the only economy at werk in the U.S.
  20. pinkjackyle

    Republican States Blow

    middle and east tenn is booming no state income tax