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  1. pinkjackyle

    Kuwait gave almost $4,000 to every citizen in 2011, what were the results?

    im only arguing the one point , i would however prefer my 40000$ in my hands . and would pay off all my debts , free and clear . i would then save the rest or go buy a truckboattruck
  2. pinkjackyle

    How rich white people treat the police

    well to do people can hire lawyers . cops are afraid of those that know the law or can afford to be properly represented by it .
  3. pinkjackyle

    Kuwait gave almost $4,000 to every citizen in 2011, what were the results?

    if you are living paycheck to paycheck you have 2 or less of the notes ive described , at least as i vision living paycheck to """"
  4. pinkjackyle

    Kuwait gave almost $4,000 to every citizen in 2011, what were the results?

    kuwait is not america , how much debt on average do we carry as citizens ? house note ,cars , college loan , credit cards ect. i think it would be differant
  5. pinkjackyle

    5 word story

    dick twice and fist somones
  6. pinkjackyle

    The how much do you pay tread (collection]

    yessie is the queen. think i saw her in a corn cob to fuel infomercial .
  7. pinkjackyle

    The how much do you pay tread (collection]

    let me grab a corncob and turpentine first . on my way
  8. pinkjackyle

    The how much do you pay tread (collection]

    thats so sweet , think im gonna :spew:
  9. pinkjackyle

    Kuwait gave almost $4,000 to every citizen in 2011, what were the results?

    someone claims the banks will absorb the money . i think this would happen especially in the united states . people are in debt up to their eyeballs and those credit card companys would have a windfall . banks would sit on it or at the very least re loan it at 19% , very few would get the...
  10. pinkjackyle

    The how much do you pay tread (collection]

    its laced oregano and polk salad
  11. pinkjackyle

    The how much do you pay tread (collection]

    oh you are so right triple6 except i didnt need the pole and i dont wear dresses .shhh dont rat me out . my first post was BS , the heart was willing the aching bones were not
  12. pinkjackyle

    The how much do you pay tread (collection]

    i just broke a lamp killed the fan busted out a window and put a big hole in the wall . dont put up shit like this i havent moshed in 14-15 yrs
  13. pinkjackyle

    The how much do you pay tread (collection]

    people pay for this shit ???
  14. pinkjackyle

    5 word story

    that is some damn hippymusic
  15. pinkjackyle

    007, number 1.

    i think the next 007 should be a rather large bull dyke . i mean s he would kill all the badpeople lickity split .
  16. pinkjackyle

    007, number 1.

    yea i know it was in the next to the last page , nearly 9yrs old
  17. pinkjackyle

    007, number 1.

    i want to see how many bitch about this being a old ass thread. cris rock's big tooth black ass nxt 007.
  18. pinkjackyle

    Top 3 Most Bestest Attributes

    just use a razor and remove the triple nipple , no sergeon needed
  19. pinkjackyle

    You hippies better not put up another blood moon hippie thread

    yea fuck shaggy and scooby
  20. pinkjackyle

    Top 3 Most Bestest Attributes

    #1 - dont make the ole lady lay in the wet spot . im a gentleman #2 - i almost always flush the toilet , unless im proud of the poop i just made , then i share . #3 - i give away a shit load of food out of my garden . peas , greenbeans tomatoes , potatos, squash , okra , mellons , ect ect