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  1. pinkjackyle

    Shouldn't Your Personal Stash Be Legal On Flights with Ebola?

    why would you want your stash with an ebola sickly around ? what if they want a hit ? you cant b a dick and not get a negro toreup from the floor up . hey muthafuker !! you ebola lipped my joint !!
  2. pinkjackyle

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    every sunday night on chiller, 4 episodes .i got most of them on dvr i never watched television in my 20's and very little after turning 16 , u kno car and all .
  3. pinkjackyle

    How will the GOP solve the problem of demographics?

    i think the repubs need to focus on the REPUBographics and stop worrying about the DEMographics :joint:
  4. pinkjackyle

    Can Conservatives and Liberals Come Together Against North Korea?

    the exact same reason iran wants nukes .
  5. pinkjackyle

    i'm a gangster

    you dont want to be a pedo in an american prision either . rest of the prisioners will fuck then kill you and fuck you again .
  6. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    shit man im tired and my hands are sore & seriously thinking about bed at 9pm on a saturday . i remember being a kid and i was like , when i grow up im gonna stay up late everynite seems so silly and foreign now .
  7. pinkjackyle

    The Most Weed You Ever Smoked?

    i shot up about baseball bag full between my toes yeeeeeeoooooowwwwwwwww. it only fked me up for about an hour tho , im a badass like that . did a enema hit with a qp once , my rectum was so high i had to take off my shirt to shit . this is all true stories yall , for realz , totally , like yo...
  8. pinkjackyle

    Bugeye's 2014 Organic Greenhouse Grow

    chopped and hung today , was cool all day high 63deg burrr .
  9. pinkjackyle

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    you quoted it , but i guess it wasnt funny , got it .
  10. pinkjackyle

    To the beach for the week

    i enjoy the archipelagos of the caribbean. blue clear water 60 ft deep looks like 10ft . giant blue fish that dart from the coral that scare the shit out of ya and free bahama mamas all you can drink .
  11. pinkjackyle

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    dont try so hard , ^^ was silly
  12. pinkjackyle

    Can Conservatives and Liberals Come Together Against North Korea?

    i say we all come , cum on bucky he thinks its a super food nom nom nom eh bucky . i kidd bucky you are a well rounded &^%$#)(*!@ person
  13. pinkjackyle

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    duh! thats what i said ..
  14. pinkjackyle

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    if you want to see some aliens go to east la , damn cholos everywhere. :razz:
  15. pinkjackyle

    Dont believe in Aliens? well explain this

    what concerns me is the large amount of methanes coming out of uranus
  16. pinkjackyle

    Forum Game: This Or That

    webbed feet or BIG ears
  17. pinkjackyle

    Forum Game: This Or That

  18. pinkjackyle

    Breaking Bad Colors ...!

    overalls and flip flops topped off with a skid lid
  19. pinkjackyle

    Those Oregonians are a loony bunch.

    oh sorry it was bucky maybe nxt time
  20. pinkjackyle

    Those Oregonians are a loony bunch.

    the jews promote and advocate slavery , their bible is the christian old testiment and we know what kind of god was in the old testiment , that is if you ever read the bible .