your buddy said that was racist when i told you that , but cumming on you it sounds silly . btw how did the field trip go ? did you get a souvenir bible ? did you eat the body part of christ , the christ sausage .
their orchestraiting is thru violence , whats happening now strikes a much worse blow , in that their own cultral pratices, thru ignorance , is aiding in their destruction. its a much more efficient way than guns and bullits .
megacorp ," when the dust settles and theyre all gone we can make trillions " . who knows where it originated , but you can bet your ass someone is counting the $$$$ allready .
ebola diamonds ......
i cant tell where you fixed anything . im thinking an 8th grade mentality can , for your sake , be corrected . but im sure you'll prove me wrong .
looks like sunni corrected youre post tho ... :joint:
africa is rich in natural resources . i wouldnt be at all surprised if this outbreak was orchestrated by a malevolent organization with an acronym . africa would be ripe for looting without all the pesky indigenous occupants ...