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  1. AthenaDaze

    Can Mdma help with depression?

    How do you like posts? I see a tag under mine saying "liked by Mr. Bongwater".
  2. AthenaDaze

    Can Mdma help with depression?

    True... I guess I just know too many people who roll a whole weekend away.... (from my stint on the Shroomery-- they have some heavy, heavy ecstasy users.)
  3. AthenaDaze

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    The easy way: stumbleupon (them in a forest). I'm kidding.... I've been looking in forests for.... a year and a half.... nothing interesting except Amanita Cokerii, which contains--apparently-- toxic amino acids.
  4. AthenaDaze

    Listening to Brand New; Noro

    Listening to Brand New; Noro
  5. AthenaDaze

    What to do at home while tripping?

    I personally like to up the dose enough that I don't need to occupy myself. This, however, usually ends up with a reaaaaallly long trip. Which is why I need to get my shit together and extract some DMT....
  6. AthenaDaze

    Opinions on Poppy Seed tea? A.K.A. Opium

    Myrrh is a decent, very mild and low power opiate. I have had good effects from the essential oil (vaporized); I vape about 6 drops, and I basically lose the urge to do *anything*, and usually end up dropping the vape (literally) and feeling awesome while listening to chillstep for an hour and...
  7. AthenaDaze

    Can Mdma help with depression?

    Uh.... wouldn't try it for depression. The comedown is basically the polar opposite of the high. If normal SSRIs don't do it for you, or interfere too much with your candy of choice, it may be worth giving ampakenes a shot. But don't mix 'em with stimulants. Further, there is a little...
  8. AthenaDaze

    Red white spots

    Muscs' aren't terrible.... but the experience isn't for everyone. I dunno. I sorta lump 'em into the same group as DXM and deliriants, in that they can be scary (at high doses (, anyway.... at low doses they are fun for some people).
  9. AthenaDaze

    Large study shows no correlation between psychedelic use and mental illness

    Hmm. Well, I'm still never going over thumbprint levels.... If I ever do something that nuts. :shock:
  10. AthenaDaze

    Why can I see outto ('nother dimension..... huh?) my wall?

    Why can I see outto ('nother dimension..... huh?) my wall?