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  1. Awkcyde

    What's the best way to flush? Soil

    Here's a full picture of the plant now: A lot of the leaves died and fell off Here's how it looked about a week and a half ago -
  2. Awkcyde

    What's the best way to flush? Soil

    the plant looks like this on about 70% of the leaves it started out small and has spread. Tried flushing but once but not sure if I did a good enough job.. The PPM runoff after I was done flushing was around 200PPM. Tried adding nutrients - Using the Fox Farms Trio using the veg schedule but...
  3. Awkcyde

    What's the best way to flush? Soil

    Sorry if this information is elsewhere.. I've done a search and have found a few things but nothing specific or an overall best practice. I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil, I've got some type of PH imbalance or lockup going on and the first time I flushed about 2-3 weeks ago didn't appear...
  4. Awkcyde

    Help - Tried everything Fox Farms Ocean Forest - Brown Leaves

    Thanks for all of the information guys.. Learning a lot from everything here. A question I had is a lot of people say to use PH Down / PH Up to get your water PH in the right range.. A lot also say that the soil will buffer itself so to throw 8.0 Ph tap water in there is fine. I've seen some...
  5. Awkcyde

    Help - Tried everything Fox Farms Ocean Forest - Brown Leaves

    That's what I've been going from and following other than the time I flushed I watered again before a complete dry. Here's some pictures of the 2 plants - Problem plant #1 Stem Plant #1 Plant #2 - Doing OK with some signs of chem burn on the tips Plants are all on day 42 of VEG -...
  6. Awkcyde

    Help - Tried everything Fox Farms Ocean Forest - Brown Leaves

    So far the brown spots haven't progressed any further to anymore leaves since my 750ppm feeding. I'm noticing the purple starting to go away from the stems as well so hopefully that's a good sign. My other plant is still doing great and growing like a bush.. Will post updated pictures here...
  7. Awkcyde

    Help - Tried everything Fox Farms Ocean Forest - Brown Leaves

    I'm thinking it's the soil which I wouldn't have gone with now reading all of the horror stories about it... I don't think it's over feeding on the nutrients as I've tried flushing and I was getting a low runoff on the initial flush so there aren't a lot of left over nutrients. Tried a week...
  8. Awkcyde

    Auto AK deficiency or heat stress?

    following this... I'm having the same issue here and I've done some reading on it and it appears to be an issue with the fox farms ocean forest soil. Is that the soil that you're using ? I don't water or feed as much as you and my leaves look almost identical on a different strain so gonna...
  9. Awkcyde

    Help - Tried everything Fox Farms Ocean Forest - Brown Leaves

    So to give a little background here on setup and everything. Temps - 74F - 80F 2x 300w Mars Hydro LEDS Planted in Fox Farms Ocean forest soil in 3 gal smart pots Nutrients - watering only when getting really dry schedule: Feed - 3ml Fox Farms Grow Big, 2ml Fox Farms Big Bloom After I feed...
  10. Awkcyde

    Help First Grow - Day 18 Showing Yellow Spots / Deterioration

    Hello, So this is my first grow to give a little background.. this is an indoor grow planted from seed. Strain : Papaya (Nirvana) x 2 Tent: 3ft x 2ft x 5ft (Mostly unzipped open) Lighting: 2 x 300w Mars Hydro LEDS Soil: Fox Farms Ocean Airflow: 2x Clip Fans - 1 x Oscillating fan Temps ranging...