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  1. bro54209

    Pink mold ??

    So I spent 1500 + on supplies and hundreds of hours to have hundreds or thousands in repair costs...? This has to be a joke Edit: this mold remover at Lowe's says it kills mold to the root, there's gotta be a way I can clean this up...
  2. bro54209

    Pink mold ??

    Can I use a mold fog bomb? I noticed my left eye was aching 30 minutes ago how bad is it I have about 5 more dry days till cure , can the bomb wait..?
  3. bro54209

    Pink mold ??

    Pink mold on a towel and saw some on the ceiling, is this house going to be okay? Food in my fridge will get spotted blue black and maybe white mold, how should I deep clean?
  4. bro54209

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Few different blue dreams was going to chop now @ 36hrs dark but think ill give em another 12hours
  5. bro54209

    buds drying up before harvest fuckin cunts

    This has been happening TOO OFTEN I honestly don't know why they're getting so dam crispy. B4 chopping! This time I flushed 3-4 days after the last feeding while soil was a bit moist and growth seemed to halt, it lost a lot of terp flavor with trichs falling off the dry flaky sugar leaves...
  6. bro54209

    I finally learned how to suck a dick without gagging.

    This thread became my bottomless hole of glory :clap:
  7. bro54209

    Does more weed = a healthier life?

    It feels good to cough out the occasional black mucus every now and then its a nice cleanse probably disloging shit and we all need Cotton mouth to drink more water don't we? Yeah larry og made me lay face down in bed for a month but my og has my energy and fuels my motivation, just don't burn...
  8. bro54209

    Can I exhaust into my fresh air lung room.?????

    Irregardless of the Constitution- the 'bill of rights' mean nothing. Amendments get violated all the time, the judge didn't give a shit for my rights. .. cops do what the fuck they want I'd ill advise venting back in your room, 10 months in with 2 weeks left of this crop and im royaly fucked...
  9. bro54209

    needing 2buy a filter anonymously

    Walmart & home depot accept gift cards online, i wonder though, changed 2 letters in my name, alternative email, but what about phone #? They'll call when it's ready, figure i should give a fake # and just call them to see when it arrives?
  10. bro54209

    i finally learned how to toke a joint without burping

    My pax2 sucks ass, id breathe in like it was a straw and went through 20 joints before learning to carb it
  11. bro54209

    i finally learned how to toke a joint without burping

    I had one on my way cruzing to work :finger: then 2 after work now:o, feels good to finally breathe in guys i got to work at 4:21 with a valid excuse:bigjoint:
  12. bro54209

    turmeric to feed plants? aloe and yucca kick ass

    My bathtub and hands have been mustard for days but i feel incredible lol Dam thanks DonBrennon! Seems like you've tried it, how did your plants compare with the ginger garlic n turmeric?
  13. bro54209

    needing 2buy a filter anonymously

    100% completely agree with you, even once legalization it still wont be 'safe', that's awesome fjbudboy, I'll go to the customer service desk tomorrow with cash and 'no id' unless its absolutely necessary then i guess a school id will do- need to figure out how to change the name on it
  14. bro54209

    turmeric to feed plants? aloe and yucca kick ass

    For less than 2$ at a market, i got a yucca root and aloe leaf. I've heard ppl praising them and wanted to give it a shot. The soil improved aLOT, less chunky. So today instead of an Epsom salt bath i added some tumeric powder that cost 99cents :grin: words can't describe the sensation of...
  15. bro54209

    needing 2buy a filter anonymously

    I'd love to learn diy version but I'd rather not gamble Yeah my Hydro store runs around 110 each and are flangeless the one off amazon was 60 with flange, not scared of the Internet I'm not in the position to accept packages without interception. I was figuring who the fuck cares and put it on...
  16. bro54209

    buds drying before chop?

    For under 2$ Real aloe and yucca are kicking ass:blsmoke:
  17. bro54209

    needing 2buy a filter anonymously

    Main question: Can I anonymously buy a carbon filter from HD Lowes or Walmart and pick it up in store? are brand names like Phresh Viagrow etc noteworthy over other brands? Mine has been scrubbing for ~9 months. Still works great but not as powerful as new. I bought my viagrow carbon filter...
  18. bro54209

    ? is this chlorine toxicity?

    Where did you get potash sulfate that would be useful
  19. bro54209

    ? is this chlorine toxicity?

    Think you nailed that on the head ;) i had phos def early flower and was hammering down 1tsp tiger 2/3 of the waterings which already had cal nitrate not to mention the tap water killing off/locking the bacteria. Still trying to figure out how to manage calmag, i was thinking mag was deficient...
  20. bro54209

    buds drying before chop?

    I just diced it up and let the chunks permeate the water which was 50degrees f maybe next time ill simmer for 20 minutes before refrigerating