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  1. Feracon

    Heat/light burn or deficienty?

    Not enough information, whats your grow look like. Lights? Distance? RH, temp, etc. Whats your water schedule been? You can try and diagnose it yourself using this page:
  2. Feracon

    Need help, venting new setup

    Ya to clarify: You want larger passive intake surface area than your active exhaust surface area. Set up your exhaust fan, its likely 4 or 6" diameter. create one large (larger than 4 or 6" diameter) intake or two smaller intake holes in your grow enclosure.
  3. Feracon

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    2 feet is fine, a lot of ppl will tell u thats way too far and its gonna stretch your stems but the tolerance of the plant varies widely based on age, genetics, and watering. ppl using the vipar version of your light for instance report good results with 6", 12", and 24". But even at 12 my...
  4. Feracon

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    daisy looks dope. careful w your light distance my plant was heat cupping even at like 1 foot. what webcam did you use? i was thinking of doing that.
  5. Feracon

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    im in a 3x3 and considering doing the same but with my viparspectra version of your light (also love it). adding the extra light makes perfect sense for that many plants and itll work great with the rectangular shape of your grow area. I have a feeling you might get cramped w 4 plants depending...
  6. Feracon


    mars have a great rep, im really happy w my viparspectra as well. Im considering upgrading to an Advanced Platinum at some point and as far as ive heard and read AP LED lights are the shit. 9 plants in a 3x3 area? Thats 9 square feet as you say. did you mean a 9x9 area?
  7. Feracon

    How many grams of dried bud estimate?

    4 plants = 4 pounds.
  8. Feracon

    Question about light distance

    A lot of ppl will tell you "use the back of the hand test, if its too hot for the back of your hand its too hot for the plant". So far for me this has not been useful advice and I've heat cupped top leaves in a 75 degree environment doing it. First, I'd recommend checking with the light...
  9. Feracon


    Depends what your objective is. There's a lot to consider, more than just the lights themselves. For example, HPS lights generate a lot more heat, so you're going to need to spend more on climate management. If you're going for pure weight--yield/watt efficiency--most ppl will tell you MH/HPS...
  10. Feracon

    how to i keep my grow tent warm help

    It's better to active exhaust and passive intake for your air.
  11. Feracon

    how to i keep my grow tent warm help

    Plug your heater into this thermostat Set thermostat to 75 and press "hold". Place 2 gallon size jugs of water in front of your space heater to function as thermal mass so that when the heater turns off, they continue to radiate heat.
  12. Feracon

    Strange branching structure?

    Yeah i think that must be it, thanks.
  13. Feracon

    Strange branching structure?

    Does this look right? Ive been noticing this plant having a ton of bushy growth and just realized every off shoot from the main stem is two...
  14. Feracon

    PH testing: Strips or Pen?

    GH kit it is,thanks guys. Ive been using lab grade strips but fucked up and locked boron out for a while.probably me more than the strips obviously. i ph big batches of water and nutes/water all at once so i dont really need a meter to frequently test,just something very reliably accurate,once...
  15. Feracon

    Poor mans ventilation

    rh is relative humidity. your grow box looks pretty open i have a feeling if it were more closed and air tight with only localized vents where you put them,youd have an easier time controlling conditions. put a gallon jug of water in front of your heater to warm up some thermal mass,helps a...
  16. Feracon


    impossible to answer without grow space dimensions
  17. Feracon

    Poor mans ventilation

    temp at 75, rh 50-70, and ph 6-7
  18. Feracon

    First time indoor kinda scared but feeling good.. :)

    50 rh is okay for veg. are you moving more air than needed? transpiration will raise your humidity if you move less air. depends how hot your led is. what 300w equiv led draws 40w? mind linking?
  19. Feracon

    Stop asking for help with Purple Pictures.

    See my attached guide to easily diagnose your purple plants. Ez, no skill involved at all.
  20. Feracon

    PH testing: Strips or Pen?

    Im using strips because the reviews on amazon of ph tester pens were iffy. Mostly accuracy or calibration issues. Has anyone here had good experiences with a PH pen? It'd be nice to get a number and not be judging by approx color.