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  1. Feracon

    Small grow lights

    You can grow with less wattage than that even. Question is, what scale results are you looking for? In addition to the great advice you'll receive from the folks here, I'd suggest watching some "closet grow" view on YouTube to see what's possible with various light setups and levels of...
  2. Feracon

    Where am I...?

    Great pictures ,pretty plants. Nitrogen deficiency maybe.
  3. Feracon

    What's wrong with my buds?!

    I'm curious why the buds don't have density,would you mind explaining?
  4. Feracon


    I'm not 100% on this but I think part of the reason a lot of people agree LED/HPS/MH have higher yield/watt efficiency than CFL is due to photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) values. As I understand it, PAR is more useful for budding. CFL do have great lumen/watt efficiency.
  5. Feracon

    First grow from clone. How to get seeds to grow symmetrical plant?

    My first grow is coming along nicely, it started from a gdp clone which means my branching structure is asymmetrical though. My question is, is there a way for me to get seeds from this to grow the strain symmetrically for a nice lst scrog? -----------------------------------------------------...
  6. Feracon

    Help please..

    It's really hard for anyone to offer you valuable advice with so little information to go on. Post pictures. What's your grow medium? Lights? Distance from plant? Temp range? Nutes? Etc.
  7. Feracon

    How do I like

    I believe you need a certain number of posts, and liked posts before youre eligible to like posts. The button will appear in the lower right.
  8. Feracon


    I know exactly the feeling. 2'x2' isn't much space, depending on how you're planning on training your plants and their genetics. Also CFL is the *most* inefficient light source available (excluding incandescent). A good way to judge your light setup's capability is through actual wattage draw...
  9. Feracon

    First grow, should I fim soon? Should i trim undergrowth?

    Sorry, edited this into my previous post after the fact: On the first image you can see in the lower-left a leaf thats wilted with yellow tips, it's been that way since the under water incident. Also the completely dead edge-crisp you see is from light-burn very early on.
  10. Feracon

    how much will one 1000w hps light cost a month

    Here comes the plane *BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*
  11. Feracon

    First grow, should I fim soon? Should i trim undergrowth?

    The main fan leaves look really happy to me. no? On the first image you can see in the lower-left a leaf thats wilted with yellow tips, it's been that way since the under water incident. Also the completely dead edge-crisp you see is from light-burn very early on.
  12. Feracon

    First grow, should I fim soon? Should i trim undergrowth?

    Thanks chillok. My current LED is 9.5w draw, moving to 130w draw tomorrow with larger coverage. Water is PH adjusted to 6-7. So far I've not seen overwater, the growth that came after the underwater event has been beautiful, it's the stuff thats growing off the main stem that's all gnarly...
  13. Feracon

    First grow, should I fim soon? Should i trim undergrowth?

    Okay good advice, I'm really worried about stress causing a whole or partial hermie. I underwatered it really early in its life and it's been seeing temp in the low 60's at night lately because my thermostat settings were fucked up and I didn't realize. So the less stress I can put her through...
  14. Feracon

    cal mag: can it hurt?

    Awesome info thanks everyone. I'm using charcoal filtered water bringing 275 ppm tap down to ~45 ppm. PHed to 6-7 with Floragro liquid nutes. Plant looks brilliantly healthy right now so I'm going to leave it be. THanks for all the input, really helpful.
  15. Feracon

    First grow, should I fim soon? Should i trim undergrowth?

    thanks guys,its an indica,gdp variant strain, the clone I got had that long stem and I didn't know planting deeper was an option. My light height is probably an issue I'll lower it, the issue is my current led is no where near powerful enough and has a small cone. it should have been used for...
  16. Feracon

    When to flip these to 12/12

    Wait for someone with more experience to reply but to me it looks like you're out of space. Nice looking grow :).
  17. Feracon

    Help! Is that a nanner?

    I read that a clone of a hermie will also be hermie. growweedeasy
  18. Feracon

    When to flip these to 12/12

    Arent you blocking your two lights above with the one below? You topped twice so you have 4 cola per plant?
  19. Feracon

    cal mag: can it hurt?

    This is the soil im using. Thanks for the input.
  20. Feracon

    First grow, should I fim soon? Should i trim undergrowth?

    Those two yellow tipped leaves never recovered after an underwater event early on. If i read the plant correctly, its just opened up its third segment. If im going to fim, should I do it on the next node? Can I still scrog this? Maybe I should just keep it simple for a first grow... Whats...