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  1. gelgora

    Effiency race... is it necessary ?

    Different strains like different temps. Some boom at 75 which can be hard to get to with hps.
  2. gelgora


    You can build your own led around $300
  3. gelgora

    Quantums Overhead in Vertical Grow!

    Time consuming but not difficult? Got two boards currently no optics but thinking about going with a 12 board set up. Edit: Oh wow now I see what you guys did. You can place the lights only on the ceiling because the optics direct perfectly into Ty's canopy. My next set up will be vert as well...
  4. gelgora

    Quantums Overhead in Vertical Grow!

    I'd like to know about those lenses. How much are they? Which kind? And we're they easy to install?
  5. gelgora

    Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

    @CobKits is there an RIU coupon code for your website? Also I saw something earlier in this thread about possible free shipping?