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  1. opg333

    Serious Seeds AK47 Regular going hermie?! Seriously?

    How would I download pics on here from an iPad ???? I picked up 2 packs of Warlock -fem from Attitued and only 2 germed ... What could possibly be the prob ????????
  2. opg333

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    No word as of yet ??? Any on your end EM ???
  3. opg333

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Hey EM , trying to send you a PM ,but can't due to you having too many ... Can you please check into freebies James ( Loud ) was suppose to send me ???????????
  4. opg333

    kens gdp or Connoisseur Genetics grandaddy purple s1

    LOUD's Woody's GDP is the worst excuse for good genetics Ive ever experienced in 20 + years of growing indoors .... PURE SHIT !!!!! All stunted and never put out more than 5 sets of true leaves and then hermed ..... 7/8 SOUR was swag too.... Can't believe James Loud and I'm disappointed in SEA...
  5. opg333

    Loud Seedz Woody's GDP hermies again.

    Fuck loud seeds !!!!!!!!!!! Garbage
  6. opg333

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Just wanted to let anyone considering buying LOUD SEEDS genetics , DON'T !!!!!!!!! I bought two packs of the Woody's GDP and recieved some of the 7/8 Sour beans for free .... The worst shit I've ever grown ... Out of the 20 Woody's , they all germed but never put out more than 5 sets of leaves...
  7. opg333

    Loud seeds @ seaofseeds

    So basically swag .... I bought two packs and couldn't force myself to toss 'em , I germed them tonight to see if I have better luck ... I'm really doubtful though ... Mine were the worst plants/genetics I've ever grown ... The freebie 7/8 Sours that came with those packs from SOS ,I germed 2 of...
  8. opg333

    Loud seeds @ seaofseeds

    Hey I'm back to give an update on Loud Seeds , Woody's GDP , it is straight up garbage .... I dare anyone out there to tell me differently ... I was going to post some pictures but its not worth wasting my time ... I actually contacted James Loud personally and he seemed to be very concerned and...
  9. opg333

    Loud Seedz Woody's GDP hermies again.

    I fell for buying 2 packs from Sea of Seeds , still have one pack and considering feeding the birds with'em ... Out of the pack I germed all 10 popped , stoked , but 4 1/2 weeks later only 9 left and they have two sets of true leaves that are the size of my thumb and some the size of my...
  10. opg333

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    That was 84 through '88 FYI
  11. opg333

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    Yeah just thinking about being in high school living in the piedmont .. There were some growers that were putting out " homegrown " and zips were $100 bucks and if you wanted a elbow it was 1,600 a Q $25 didn't matter how much you bought it was in those increments no questions asked ... Shit...
  12. opg333

    kens gdp or Connoisseur Genetics grandaddy purple s1

    Louds Woody's GDP blows ... Ask Lenny Scroggins .. His all Hermed and the pack I'm currently running is pitiful .. 4 weeks in and only one set of true leaves on a few and the enternodes from the first to the second is like an inch on a few others , leaves are as small as my thumbnail ...
  13. opg333

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    And I can't find Cannaventure gear in stock anywhere ... His End of the World drop is coming soon but I don't think in fact I know he is NOT making any RKS beans right now :(
  14. opg333

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    I just scored some Reserva's R.K.S. beans and have germed them yet ... I too am looking for that old school rotten dead skunk in the road smell ... Don't get me wrong I like sweet smelling skunky strains but I want that nasty sour skunk I remember when I first started smoking in the mid 80's...
  15. opg333

    Marijuana Seeds

    I've ordered from Sea of seeds twice and both times all good .. Also The Seed Depot is spot on ... J.B is the man and I've ordered many times from Attitude and never have had a problem ... I use to use Gypsy Nirvana but they don't allow credit card payment anymore ..... So that's my 2 cents...
  16. opg333

    Loud seeds @ seaofseeds

    Again JL , I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of the vault .. Sounds like a year of promise and dank .. PEACE
  17. opg333

    Loud seeds @ seaofseeds

    Hey man I tried to PM you but your account doesn't receive private messages ... First off you do seem like a stand up dude and you stand behind your work ... Looking forward to seeing more of your gear out there ... PEACE
  18. opg333

    Loud seeds @ seaofseeds

    Should be available around June ?
  19. opg333

    Loud seeds @ seaofseeds

    Also big props to St. Stephen ... In and out of the garden he goes .. Country garden and wind and the rain ... Wherever he goes the people always complain ... Fortune comes a crawling ... GDP Miss you Jer !!!!!!!!
  20. opg333

    Loud seeds @ seaofseeds

    Just to update my displeasure with Loud's Woody's GDP ... In a earlier post I bad mouthed Loud Seeds and for that I'm apologetic ... I went to their official website and relayed my experience and the problems I'm experiencing with this particular pack .. As I stated earlier I am running a shit...