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  1. mrjones574

    need advice

    As far as time goes in veg as long as you want.... as long as you keep 18-24 light cycle the plant will continue to grow and grow and grow lol in veg depends on what strain you have most indicas are an 8 week plant but any sativa will be 9+ weeks...research what ya got and you'll know how long...
  2. mrjones574

    need advice

    24in for 600hps....ive had problems with burning tops b4 so better safe then sorry
  3. mrjones574

    humidity question

    ive read 40% humidity will help with tricomb production...Ive been told when it gets dry like that the plant will produce more tri's for protection dont know if thats true or not
  4. mrjones574

    basic harvesting questions

    As far as flushing goes ive never used a certin amount of water i jus watered as i normaly would for the 7 days but theres alot of ways to do far as harvest time goes you should get a scope or a 60x magnafying glass the easiest way is to check the tricombs opinions vary but heres what i...
  5. mrjones574

    Love ur threads man you've definitely done research..Respect how u back it all up with facts..i...

    Love ur threads man you've definitely done research..Respect how u back it all up with facts..i think ur wisdom will help me greatly
  6. mrjones574

    When All The Hairs Turn Dark Yellow, Can I Cut Down??

    Yes a couple days of darkness will make a difference! some opinions say up to a week most ive ever done was 3 days and boy they did swell!
  7. mrjones574

    Check out my sweet tooth

    i had sweet tooh last year sadly they didnt get to finish but i know from where i got the seeds that its a pretty fast plant.....i was told between 7-9 weeks if ur 6 into it id expect at least a week mayb 2 either way ur close....i go by the tricombs when ya have a good mix of cloudy and amber...
  8. mrjones574

    Newbie...Harvest Help Needed......Please!

    ur very close dude if ya can get a 60x magnifying glass and check the tricombs a good mix of amber and milky color and she done
  9. mrjones574

    harvesting,without microscope how do u do it best

    if u cant get a good scope get a magnifying glass of at least 60x....ur basicly guessing without one
  10. mrjones574

    Total NEWWWBEEE needs to know if y'all think these girls are cookin'?

    Id just open your flaps during the day that will get the humidity out....ur heater may be raising it but if ya need it...ya need it lol and those dehumidifiers work good inside but with how ur green house is like a screen room might not work so good cause its not a sealed room....ive only done a...
  11. mrjones574

    Total NEWWWBEEE needs to know if y'all think these girls are cookin'?

    hey man beautiful pics...just wanted to say when ur looking at ur tri's they will start clear turn milky then start turning amber....opinions vary but when you see bout 50/50 milky and amber its good time to harvest... your close dude now ya just got to wait a lil longer looks like 4 weeks to me...
  12. mrjones574

    can i start to flush??

    Opinions vary on flushing man if ur that worried split the difference just flush for a week....and yeah looks like ur just starting to hard flower probly got few more weeks depending on way to tell when to harvest is watch the trichomes again opinions vary but when half are milky...
  13. mrjones574

    How should I setup my lights, small question

    Yeah dude halogens do burn my opinion depending on your space a 400w high pressure sodium light would be good for bloom i dont have experience with fluorescent lights i know they can do good for veg but they say HPS lights are better for bloom....but if you like ur results now just get...
  14. mrjones574

    Please help first outdoor grow and in fested with bud worms?

    thanks for advice ive been lucky so far this season these worms are the first problem ive had and only noticed them in the last week or for next year im going back indoors so i can spend more time with my ladies lol Thanks everyone i feel a lot better now that i have a place to ask...
  15. mrjones574

    Please help first outdoor grow and in fested with bud worms?

    thamks for the info i just found a can of Safer brand houseplant insect killer in my closet it says for catapillers and worms among other things so ill try that and save a trip to the store...but if that isnt good enuff please let me know...ill cross my fingers and wait till it stops raining here
  16. mrjones574

    DWC Questions

    I was useing rockwool with B'Cuzz nutes all organic and gentle it was my first grow and i never overdosed them lol
  17. mrjones574

    Please help first outdoor grow and in fested with bud worms?

    How close to harvest can i use this stuff?..And do i need a grow shop to find it? id rather go organic so that sounds pretty good
  18. mrjones574

    Marijuana Seeds

    Ive ordered from two places a place in canada that took over a month to get(cant remember the name) the other was Attitude i was very impressed got'em in a week all seeds popped and had 4 out of 6 were female (ordered fem seeds) saddly shit happens and they didnt make it to harvest
  19. mrjones574

    Confessions of a Lurker.

    beautiful man...can i date her lol
  20. mrjones574

    New to the site .... far from new at this growing thing. but whats up ?

    Just joined tonight....posted a question and got an answer right away im impressed so far so still a beginer so need all the help i can get lol