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  1. l0wbob2016

    Lukios Secret Garden

    damn when i see this i'm getting hungry for sure. what u get out of this complete room? also maybe i am wrong but are the plants unter the Quantum boards taller and got a bit bigger buds? looks like for me on that pic.
  2. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    tahts basically the reason i made this setup with 12 monos supporting the spectrum of a COB. try and maybe get something i never imagined i would get. lets see ! :D thats also a thing i only can tell after a testrun. maybe the heat generated is good like u said in terms of RH and plant...
  3. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    haha made my day :D would be funny if these guys werent able to build up a thing like this by themselfes :D
  4. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    do whatever you want, i am open for anything thats based on logic so that i can understand :) well my AiO-solution came alrdy filled with water ( and some chemicals inside so no bacteria will grow ). taking the temperature i did at the very first days for checking what i get maximum...
  5. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    based on what do u have this information? any source for this? i'm just curious...
  6. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    haha yeah ferrari vs porsche is a better example. yeah you are right in terms of the surface. another thing i just realized as u mentioned is that i never thought about the size of the aluminium heatsink i would need for my setup. i only got little size constraints above the COB's but maybe...
  7. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    i totally agree that copper isnt worth the weight and cost for that better cooling performance. it is more like a choice to drive a ferrari instead of a smart.
  8. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    but then this doesnt make sense for me in termes of thermal conductivity. because copper has a higher value than aluminium. so please explain and if possible give me some science behind so i can understand. thanks
  9. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    i couldnt do a testrun up to now. a friend of me is finishing his grow at the moment and once the room is empty we will fix that light in the room and use it for the next run.
  10. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    thats why copper works better with watercooling than aluminium right?
  11. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    ok i get u now. so lets assume the room gets good ventilated with fresh air. in both cases this air gets used as a "heatdump". the only thing i want to mention is that i get the heat better into that air and i keep the COB's cooler than the aluminium heatsink. everything is fine, i love to...
  12. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    what i compare there is [cooling medium] vs [cooling medium]. when i got a powersouce and use it one time to heat water and one time to heat air then the water will always be cooler because i can take a lot more energy before getting hot than air. so the actual heat-energy is inside the cooling...
  13. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    i get what u r saying but i am ok with ppl asking questions or telling me things to improve. i am here to present, share and learn. i want to say my points on any given answer and if i am wrong maybe someone can tell me the truth. thats all :) but thanks for the flowers
  14. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    thats for sure :) yes they are all individually dimmable. so every wavelegth can be dimmed for its own in 256 steps from 0 to 100% power output. thats why i got 12 dimmers in total :D well IMO the normal ventilation of a grow for changing old and fresh air will handle this cause the heat...
  15. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    well maybe it is just me, but i dont agree on this. since water needs a lot more energy than air to be heated up to the same temp, the water would need a lot more time to heat up if the powersource is the same. lets say we dont mention the way the heat needs to go from the COB through the...
  16. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    thats what i want to test in some testruns and be sure, i will update this thread and tell what i found out, positive and negative things so that someone maybe can take a lesson from this or in worst case only me :D
  17. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    well it is benefiting at least a bit. i build this setup as my firt lamp ever. never did one before. i was not sure about the heat i get confronted when this runs for 18 hours. so i wanted to be sure. now i know it is enough and maybe a bit overpowered in terms of cooling but at the other point...
  18. l0wbob2016

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    simply awesome boards !!!
  19. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    i got 90 degree lenses on the monos. and 60 monos in total. u are right the further u go away from the source the less useable light comes down on an area especially when the source isnt that powerfull like a COB, but these monos were never ment to be the only light source the plant gets, they...
  20. l0wbob2016

    DIY watercooled photosynthetic-research LED-Lamp completed build, tell me what u think

    the cooler a COB or LED is while at 100% power ( for me here it is 1400ma ) the more light is produced. if i dont got anything wrong from the datasheets than driving for example a CXB3590 ( 36V@1400ma) with a temp of 25°C gives about 70% relative luminous flux. at 55°C about 65%, at 85°C about...