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    The Diviners Sage

    These girls grow so fast they tend to snap off from the main stem. Very hardy so far for me. I notice a difference in potency with the luna v others.
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    The Diviners Sage

    It's been cool so far. I'm really enjoying taking care of them. Worried about that one snapping though
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    The Diviners Sage

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    The Diviners Sage

    Top stem...literally as wide as the quarter almost
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    The Diviners Sage

    It's tough to get a pic...bottom stem
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    The Diviners Sage

    Everything going good here as far as growth. My only concern is with my W/H... She is much thicker at the top stem wise than at the bottom. So much so that I'm worried she might snap off. The stem at the top is easily twice as thick..almost 3 times. Anyone else have this on theirs? I keep a...
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    The Diviners Sage

    Farmerfischer...the bushiness of those...from what ive read they are getting plenty of light. Not getting enough light equals leggy plants? Is that correct? Also regarding it true the the reddish spectrum, ie: 2000-3000k promotes flowering in general, and your more bluer spectrum...
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    The Diviners Sage

    I have done as much research as I can regarding how its traditionally approached and from what Ive read smoking is an absolute no no. I dont judge anyone though...we are all walking down our own road.
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    The Diviners Sage

    An organism reproducing "in the wild" v in captivity is quite a different thing when we get our paws on it. Im a new gardener but have much experience with captive marine aquariums and coral. Am I in error or are there many people growing S. Divinorum from seed? I know D. Siebert has grown...
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    Salvia Divinorum Grow

    Hey atomizer....would you kindly share your growing experience? Im still deciding on soil. Im thinking 50/50 ffof/perlite. Any pearls from your 20 years greatly appreciated.
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    The Diviners Sage

    How are the girls coming along caverage? I have 4 (2 luna 1 h/w and 1 blosser) coming my way next week. Im still deciding on what potting soil mix to go with. Im thinking a 50/50 fox farm ocean forest/perlite blend with a couple 54w t5s. Gotta love a plant that isnt light hungry for indoor...
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    New member seeking live salvia plant info

    Hello, I ran across a thread here through a Google Search regarding live salvia. Im having a difficult time sourcing live plants. Of all the places ive inquired Ive recieved 1 reply (actually answered the phone). Im hoping someone can hook me up with a good reputable source for a couple live...