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  1. SaitouMichiko

    Was Jesus Black?

    Would Jesus identify as black?
  2. SaitouMichiko

    What Are You Listening To?

  3. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    A few different cheeses, chicken breast, carmelized onions, a lot of spice because I like spicy stuff, and baked in the oven. Kinda Tastes like spicy macaroni and chicken in a way. A lazy dish.
  4. SaitouMichiko

    What did you accomplish today?

    Today I accomplished helping my boyfriend clean his dead dads garage out. We found a bunch of brass, an old n64, some posters of the crow movie from 1995 amongst many other random items. Made chicken spaghetti, now I'm accomplishing some strikes on destiny. Ye
  5. SaitouMichiko

    Trump wants national Stop and Frisk

    He back-pedaled of course and commented that he meant he would enforce stop and frisk for crime ridden places like Chicago. But NYPD and the citizens of New York know how "well" stop and frisk works/worked. It didn't.
  6. SaitouMichiko


    You can't judge many off the actions of few. Your generalizations are pretty extreme. After a few stories of white people being attacked, you choose to dismiss the whole situation? In other news the police department will not be realesing the video footage until they feel it's necessary...
  7. SaitouMichiko


    It's quite alright, the lot of us are pleasant lol. Whenever I travel to the north or to Europe I can't really stand the people's manners. I went to vegas and they didn't have sweet tea in the restaurant I was in. It was a pretty weird experience LOL.
  8. SaitouMichiko


    It seems like the latter, most PDs require GED or a high school diploma. Some are now requiring at least some college or an associates. And I live in the south so I'm positive it's just being 21 and having a high school diploma as well as passing the physical stuff.
  9. SaitouMichiko

    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    My hellhound with her beautiful eyes <3
  10. SaitouMichiko

    Do we know why gravity exists?

    Do we know why anything exists?
  11. SaitouMichiko


  12. SaitouMichiko


    It seems you'd rather trust the police blindly, its very ignorant, but ignorance is bliss, and you will be comfortable until something happens to you. Whether you're white black or purple I would not always expect the best from law enforcement, and all the fallacies you've presented during a two...
  13. SaitouMichiko


    He has a meeting to attend, I suppose.
  14. SaitouMichiko


    When you are approached by the police it is indeed your business, and its your right to react. I don't know much about the Charlotte incident as of yet since I don't watch the news too much these days, but from what I hear what happened was despicable, and instead of begging the question, we...
  15. SaitouMichiko


    Hasty generalization, don't you think?
  16. SaitouMichiko


    Well, I can't speak for the whole generation but I'm apart of the 90s kids now 20 in this new age. I was always taught to question everything, but I know my boundaries and know how to weigh options and read emotions. Problem is though, when you go to the hospital with a broken arm or gunshot...
  17. SaitouMichiko


    At this point I don't know whether to believe it's a race thing, or really just a lack of proper training and accountability thing. My mother is an ER doctor and always mentions how Un-accountable the police are who have the choice and the right to take someone's life and it be completly...
  18. SaitouMichiko

    Sleep paralysis.

    I can agree that's the most likely explanation to the phenomenon, the experience changes for me very often, sometimes it's very intense and sometimes it's very subtle, but every time it is scary. I think maybe that's because when I am paralyzed I start to freak out a bit, and my brain projects...
  19. SaitouMichiko


    I'm not sure if I've just missed it, but I didn't see any threads mentioning destiny. So stoked for the DLC tonight! Me and my boyfriend are probably going to need some people for the new raid and other activities, we play on the PS4. Any fans of the game out there?
  20. SaitouMichiko

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Lmao T_T