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  1. hrpuffnstuff

    PD-600 Portable Vaporizer

    Ok, so here is my review: I got the vp-600 first of all. I made a mistake when i wrote this thread title. Anyways...I got it in the mail yesterday...It took about 3 days to get here so definitely try prissy high society out as a store because their shipping is great. So anyways, the mini vape...
  2. hrpuffnstuff

    watering plants with coffee?

    all i can say, hahaha
  3. hrpuffnstuff

    If I dont have a coffee grinder....

    you could try the hand powered grinder aka a pair of scissors and a shot glass..
  4. hrpuffnstuff

    PD-600 Portable Vaporizer

    Yeah, I'll let you know what's up when it comes in. I saw the Iolite...but i agree, kinda rediculous.
  5. hrpuffnstuff

    cannabutter-based tea/drinks?

    Well, you could always try making a butter-nutt rum mix with your c-butter. That should help out with the taste issue and the legitimacy of the idea. Also spiced cider/chai tea with milk and c-butter could be something to try. Let me know what you think.
  6. hrpuffnstuff

    noob 1st grow 1st week of flower

    so far so good. props
  7. hrpuffnstuff

    Is it weed?

    sell it to some kids in middle school so you can teach them that life isn't always fair.
  8. hrpuffnstuff

    PD-600 Portable Vaporizer

    So I just picked up one of those PD-600's on Ebay for about 50$ with shipping. Anyone have any reviews on it? Is it worth the money? Any help is much appreciated.
  9. hrpuffnstuff

    If someone could take a look at this, it'd really make my day

    Sheesh this plant is super tech. I wonder though, how would he bump up the N levels? Different Soil? or by adding nutrients?