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  1. shaggyballs

    showed pre-flower, started flowering and now it looks like its hermie???? HELP PLZZZZ

    Dutch master reverse and such could help.... Originally Posted by ganjourno Ethephon. Sold as florel by Monterey: Good stuff, I always apply in late veg about a week before flipping. causes a lot of root development and lateral branching as...
  2. shaggyballs

    Experimental Light Timings

    not what you asked for but you may like it! 12/1 lighting--Any truth or banana in the tail pipe?
  3. shaggyballs

    brassinosteroids on marijuana

    anyone there!!!
  4. shaggyballs

    In depth study of Nutrients and Additives for Cannabis

    Found this and thought it might be helpful. ******WARNING LONG READ BUT MUCH TO LEARN!********** FINDING MY NUTE PROGRAM : The following is a comprehensive, independent comparison of 8 various nutrient applications and my experiences with them. As I make a living growing medicinal marijuana...
  5. shaggyballs

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    If you like DIY ferts and hormones this place is pretty cool.
  6. shaggyballs

    Diy calcium magnesium suppliment - calmag

    can anyone else confirm this as i have read they would not mix together....but you are correct i have seen them on the same label. one of those he said she said things?????
  7. shaggyballs

    brassinosteroids on marijuana

    Anyone use this during bud???
  8. shaggyballs

    Diy calcium magnesium suppliment - calmag

    Thanks for takin me to school on that one I always want to learn!!
  9. shaggyballs

    Diy calcium magnesium suppliment - calmag

    calcium nitrate and mag/sulfate is a no no !!! The precipitate is gypsum -- CaSO4.2H2O -- aka hydrated calcium sulfate. Magnesium cations and nitrate anions dominate the solution. Calcium sulfate is slightly soluble, so not all of the calcium cations and sulfate anions would precipitate
  10. shaggyballs

    Cloning ChemDawg

    try 80 degrees till they sprout roots. I just rooted some it took longer than the other clones
  11. shaggyballs


    ultimate tricantanol, brassilonide, bap-6 thread
  12. shaggyballs

    Cytokinins (6-BAP) & Auxins (IAA)

    Any further results this is very interesting. Or anyone else have new info.
  13. shaggyballs

    Anyone try mycorhizae in their EZ-Clone ???

    So did ya try it?????
  14. shaggyballs

    Rocket fuel foliar spray

    I want to make a pre-mixed foliar solution in liquid concentrate and 'ready-to-use' form. I am hoping some of you may offer your opinion on my proposed foliar solution, what it may be lacking or what it may not need or cross talk. Ideally I'd like to make a pre-mixed concentrate liquid...
  15. shaggyballs


    i think it has PGR's dont know for sure!
  16. shaggyballs

    Danger posting pics from phone on web sites
