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  1. T

    Lowryder unde florescents.

    Thanks. Anyone know about the pots?
  2. T

    Lowryder unde florescents.

    Because they only live for 8 weeks, with a decent-enough soil, I won't need to use any nutes will I? And what size pots is the minimum for lowryder (in litres, if possible :P). Cheers.
  3. T

    Lowryder unde florescents.

    Hi, Is it possible to grow Lowryder from start to finish under florescent lights? If so, how many 4ft florescents would I need to cover a square metre? And what Wattage? And is it true that I need a warm white and a cool white under each hood?
  4. T

    Plant pot question

    Thanks for the quick answer. How big do you reckon they'll get, height-wise? Limited in size isn't a problem, since the space they're in isn't that big.
  5. T

    Plant pot size

    Could I get good growth out of a 10cm deep by 20x20cm wide pot? Thanks!
  6. T

    Plant pot question

    Could I grow plants in a plant pot that's ten centimetre's deep and 20x20cm wide? Thanks
  7. T

    Yellowing leaves on Seedlings.

    Hi, I have a grow room of one cubic metre, with two 150 Watt HPS. I have six seedlings and they're each a week old. The leaves have turned half-turned yellow, and the new growth is yellow. The temperature is 25-30 Celsius, humidity of 50%, and I spray them a couple of times a day with tap...
  8. T

    yellowing leaves in seedlings

    Here are the pics. Any ideas? My guess is the PH, 'cause I'm doing the exact same thing as I did about a year ago, and the last crop was fine. But you're the experts :) P.S: When I said 16 hours, I meant 18 hours... I was baked when I posted the thread hehe. And will changing from 18 hours to...
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    yellowing leaves in seedlings

    I haven't been giving them nutes. And won't changing from 16 hours to 24 hours confuse them?
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    yellowing leaves in seedlings

    I meant 25-30, my bad. And by "six week-old", I meant that there were six of them, and they're all one week old.
  11. T

    yellowing leaves in seedlings

    Hi, I have a grow room of one cubic metre, with two 150 Watt HPS, and have six week-old seedlings in soil. The leaves have turned half-turned yellow, and the new growth is yellow. The temperature is 20-30 Celsius, humidity of 50%, and I spray them a couple of times a day with tap water...