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  1. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    Edit: This is sacred seeds Original Haze
  2. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    The more you grow, the more you know. thanks guys, always good to bring my questions here
  3. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    im assuming to avoid any type of bud rot
  4. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    thanks man, i dont mind running it another 3 weeks if i gotta, come this far at this point. im not popping more seeds till next month
  5. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    and no one asked for these but this is more the quality my garden is used to. but i just felt like such a scrub posting that Haze
  6. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    ahhh well this isnt a glory plant by any means. i cooked it at one point, then did a flush to try balance so the fan leaves look just awful and ill pay for it during my trim lol. thought it could handle more since the pot was so small the plant was a monster. but whatever, cant get through life...
  7. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    dang its an old myth? i been cutting nutrients 2 weeks before cut for like 5 years lol. Thanks for the quick replies, now i can cut this baby on time muahahaha
  8. Z

    Can I speed up my flush?

    Soooo i have this 100% pure sativa OG Haze, im basically done here with it on day 95 of flower. This looks like its done within the week. My problem is, i hit it with a lil nutes last night because i was under the impression this was going to take a full 16 weeks of flower. Is there anyway i can...
  9. Z

    Calcium Dust from Humidifier

    So I was using my towns tap water but the calcium dust was insane, like turn your plants white till you stick the leaves in a vacuum or wash them off. so i started using my parents well water which I swear is magic, but still has a slight run off of calcium dust. Im about 35 days into flower...
  10. Z

    Light leak, First week of flower

    sorry to res this, but I hate when people start a thread say they'll tell you how it went and never talk about it. My expirience with herms: Genetics over everything I really haven't had many light leaks since this posting and have changed my grow up many times since. anyways, that grow hermed...
  11. Z

    Light leak, First week of flower

    yeah from now on i'll close the tent immediately after waterings and pruning so I dont make the mistake again, been sick last few days and literally dreamt of making this mistake and then actually did... *facepalm* The 12.5hrs comes from my first grow with this strain. It seemed to shoot out...
  12. Z

    Light leak, First week of flower

    Now im guessing its not such a big deal being that I left the tent open for only 1 hour in flower. I currently have the lights off from 9:05am to 9:38pm giving just over 12.5 hours of darkness (idk why the timer isn't exact to 12.5) but wondering if I should turn the lights on a little later...