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  1. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    HELL is exactly where I am going to send them... Nice find, I haven't seen that thread. It didn't link right in your post though, could you post it again? Botaniguard sounds like good stuff, hope it isn't too expensive. Found one root aphid on a sticky paper that had fallen on the floor in...
  2. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Looks like azamax will kill the nematodes so it looks like it will be habanero water only for any spider mites issues (none yet). There are different opinions on whether nematodes will kill root aphids, but I found several sites that claim they do as well as a few growers. Here is a link to...
  3. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah, good idea. I need to look into them, I considered them last grow but decided on pyrethrin. I can't remember if the neem drenches and azamax in the soil will effect them. I know predator mites can't be introduced for 30 days after the last use of azamax. Off to do some research...
  4. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Mmmm donuts... it does seem there is always a problem to deal with or an improvement that could be made. Totally worth it though! Canna, Yeah man, they are root aphids for sure. They are about twice the size of the crawlers and darker but the bodies are similar. In one of those shots you...
  5. Cascadian

    BCBD Jack Herer, Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream. 1st grow 600w

    Congrats on the successful harvest! After a little more research I found that there is a "purple indica pheno" of JH, so I suppose I will give it the benefit of the doubt. I know the purple kush I got from the same source was the legit clone only strain (I compared it to PK at a dispensary)...
  6. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    I wish I wasn't, it comes at too high a price... On that note, the good news is I am about to get some more experience, the bad news is I have identified about 6 of these winged devils on about 3 pieces of tape that were only on the floor for 12 hours. Sorry, that was a pic from my...
  7. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    I did a partial defoliation on the JillyBean a few days ago, and just did a little more last night. Just trying to keep it a lower stress process for her, might do it one more time in a couple more days. So far the plant seems to be growing normally with good bud development starting. I don't...
  8. Cascadian

    1st Grow - Custom Room: Pineapple Chunk, Spc. Kush, Ice, G13, Hollands Hope

    Nice work on the clone box! You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to thecannacove again. This is the heating pad I bought.
  9. Cascadian

    First Time Grower: HELP HELP HELP!

    This is why I soak my seeds then plant directly into soil. Too many things can go wrong when they have to be handled. Sorry this happened, get it planted asap. My guess is you have a 50/50 shot of it surviving. I would plant it no more than 1/4" deep.
  10. Cascadian

    lighting for vegetation

    13/11 will flower most plants, some will even flower on 14/10. It does depend on the strain though. For veg I run my lights 24/0.
  11. Cascadian

    Where you at rep wise?

    808 posts... (HI area code) rep for a cool posts count.
  12. Cascadian

    Nizza's 3x 15 gallon feminized big bud vision seed grow

    It's looking good to me man. The leaves are curling down uniformly which usually means overwatering or not enough oxygen in the root system. When they curl down just at the tip more sharply it is usually nitrogen a bit high. Doesn't look like heat stress to me, but I do not claim to be an...
  13. Cascadian

    what is this?

    They are just new branches developing. Nothing to do with sex of the plant and not buds. At those same nodes eventually you will either see balls or pistils then you will know sex, or you can clone that top and flip it to 12/12 to determine sex. Buds will not form until 12/12 unless it is an...
  14. Cascadian

    Dc's Closet Grow Led/Cfl/HPS

    Thanks for the info, i am going to incorporate this. Just in time, I am 2 weeks into flower. I also make my own juice, I highly recommend a Breville. A juice fast every so often is a really good idea... rep+
  15. Cascadian

    Is this cal definciency?with pics

    Are you feeding according to the GH schedule? If not what products are you using? Something just doesn't add up or make sense here. You should not be seeing that kind of issue. What type of soil are you using, is it a miracle grow product? I don't have a need to flush using organic...
  16. Cascadian

    1st Grow - Custom Room: Pineapple Chunk, Spc. Kush, Ice, G13, Hollands Hope

    Nice DIY CFL hood man. Cloning can be a challenge, just when you think you have perfected the art you have problems... A few of those look like they will need a daily misting but I assume you are doing that anyway. Nice setup bro.
  17. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Good call, that is exactly what I was thinking. I want to buy myself the most time I can to get through flower, and hitting them with pyrethrin late in flower is out of the question.
  18. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Well, it is not a flyer. You are totally correct there, but they have many stages of growth, most of those stages are "crawling" stages. l don't know what else it would be, it looks like the pics of adult male RAs to me and given I had them a couple months ago it makes sense. Certainly could...
  19. Cascadian

    Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

    Nice, I have smoked and like both the Skywalker OG and AK47. I hope you find a good pheno for a momma...
  20. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Well, I know for sure they are in there. Even though I only found one, I know there are more and I need to make sure I keep them in check. Won't even try to eradicate them until I shut down the indoor grow for the summer. I really think my problem with the clones is fungus gnat based. But...