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  1. Wikidbchofthewst

    Forum Help Thread

    You have to tick the multi-quote button to the right and then click the reply with quote button of the last post you want to quote. If you just tick the multi-quote buttons but then click reply, it will act as a quick reply with no quote.
  2. Wikidbchofthewst


    :hug: :hug:
  3. Wikidbchofthewst

    people in america are mixed

    How do you not know what you are? I mean...were you adopted? That's the only scenario I can see where you don't know. Do you not know where your family came from? Yeah, there's probably so much mixed in I wouldn't think you'd know every %, but...myself for example, when people ask, I generally...
  4. Wikidbchofthewst

    Forum Help Thread

    lol, yes, that is correct
  5. Wikidbchofthewst

    Al bundy

    pz-qN9aIm9k That IS daddy you
  6. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    UaXVt1QTwRU OMG those clothes
  7. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    *Wikid waves to the crowd* lol Not really, but still
  8. Wikidbchofthewst

    Name That Stoner Job

    I worked in a few bookstores, none of them ever drug tested.
  9. Wikidbchofthewst


    I miss this thread
  10. Wikidbchofthewst

    User Ranking System

    As long as you're registered you should be able to look at pics....are you not?
  11. Wikidbchofthewst

    Al bundy

    I love him in the show he's doing now, Modern Family. Pretty damn funny.
  12. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    First of all, you don't know me well enough to be acting like you can predict what I'm going to say. Secondly, kill that condescending tone. YOU'RE the one whining about not getting enough rep, not me. Actually going so far as to tell everyone that you're going to STOP giving rep because you...
  13. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    lol, hey, I'm just curious as to how much rep power is behind this 'rep machine' :lol: Plus it kinda raises a point that irks me: when people act as though because they repped you, you now OWE them rep. It's not the 'mutual jerk session' button, gnomesayin? I mean, 'rep for rep' only REALLY...
  14. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    Your rep machine? Do you know how much your rep is worth?
  15. Wikidbchofthewst

    Forum Help Thread

    use the photobucket link that has "" at either end of the url. Or just paste the url between those IMG tags and it'll come up as embedded in your post rather than as a thumbnail at the end
  16. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    High Time 420....what exactly do I owe you? :???: Do you seriously rep people like that? Telling them they owe you?
  17. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    Yep, back in school. But I've missed you guys!
  18. Wikidbchofthewst

    How often do YOU give REP? {honestly now}

    Yeah, rep whore threads are usually shut down pretty quickly. HEY WORM! :hug:
  19. Wikidbchofthewst

    post count means little?

    word .