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  1. StareCase

    On the beam again ...

    We have returned from a very enjoyable Atlantic Province vacation and it feels great to be back on this beam again. The lateral spreading has begun and the nets should be in place in ~2 weeks.
  2. StareCase

    Going with Sunshine #4 this time ...

    Hope this isn't too much bother gang ... but growing minds would like to know. The grow store was temporarily out of the 3.8 cubic foot bales of ProMix HP - but they had the same size bales of the Sunshine #4. The two of them look like they are comprised of basically the same stuff - peat...
  3. StareCase

    My furry assistant ...

    I'll make sure to close the door to the grow area next time I hear him trundling down the stairs ... ... but at least he chewed large fans that I was going to prune anyway. Thanks little fella.
  4. StareCase

    KCL vs NaCL for water softeners

    Howdy RIU. We use a water softener because our well water coats everything remotely connected to our plumbing with a layer of brown. It's what untreated well water likes to do. And we currently use NaCL for our water softener because a bag of that Sifto white chunky salt is pretty cheap. But...
  5. StareCase

    C-19 - the bright side

    Well folks ... C-19 does have it's upside. We had a couple of trips across the Big Pond scheduled - one was for late April/early May and a second was in late June. And with said upcoming trips and no one to look after the ladies, I decided to shut down the tent last month and let some time...
  6. StareCase

    HLG / Timber LED vs blurples

    Greetings fellow growers. Last night, my wife bought a couple of vintage Singer sewing machines and to thank me, gave me the green light to upgrade from blurples to QB/COB LED. 8-) For a 2 x 4, I have narrowed it down to either the HLG 320 XL RSpec or the Timber 3VL. The existing...
  7. StareCase

    ATC pH Pen ... RIP?

    Greetings RIU. So old butterfingers showed up this morning to help we water. Butterfingers is really just me being as clumsy as fuck!! Well ... BF accidentally dropped my yellow ATC pH meter into my water pitcher that I use to mix the water and nutes. I had already added the Cal/Mag and was...
  8. StareCase

    Will they survive?

    Greetings RIU. The latest crop was chopped this past Saturday and are going to be trimmed and put into their curing jars tomorrow evening. Even the LARF are pretty good sized and full of crystals! I do like these two strains for both the ease of their cultivation and the ass kicking of their...
  9. StareCase

    Fabric pots - lookin' to make the switch.

    I am going to be transplanting my little ones pretty soon and would like to put 'em into larger 5 gallon buckets (minimum.) I will have the room for larger plants and I know that larger plants in my existing 12 litre pots will become root bound P.D.Q. I was looking at the 7 gallon fabric pots...
  10. StareCase

    It's the most wonderful time ...

    ... it's harvest day. "Ginger" (Red Diesel) & "Kali" (SFV OG Kush) have been cared for from the end of August to the middle of December. That's 120 days from sprouting with just over 6 weeks of veg. Today they both came down. Ginger Kali Thank you ladies And now comes the...
  11. StareCase

    Really Mom ... the DOG ate my cannabis!

    Here's one for the Dog Shaming File. First, meet the little culprit! This morning, I went to check on my four clones that were happily sitting in their solo cups before I took the little rotter for his morning walk. All four were doin' just fine. After we came back, I came down to my...
  12. StareCase

    Red Diesel - end of Week # 7

    For those who are also growing this strain - I have a Red Diesel currently late in flowering. She's closing in on the end of week # 7. I think it's got another couple of weeks before it's ready. I am still waiting for both a few more brown hairs to appear and for her trichomes to begin showing...