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  1. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    How to prune/defoliate/leaf pick on the outside row

    How to prune? Some people call it a leaf pick, or defoliation. I prune when I kick them into flower, again at about 3 weeks and again at 5-6 weeks. Here is a quick series of pics showing how to prune a plant that is just kicked. First step is to identify where the back of the plant is so you...
  2. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

    Hey guys I wanted to introduce my new light. BC Blondes 680 Game Changer Initiator (BCB 680 GCI) Actual watts at wall 230v: 680 Actual Watts at wall 115v: 700 PPF/watt: 2.6 (estimate) Total PPF: 1740+ (estimate until sent for testing) Spectrum: 3000k + 4000k + 660nm Dimming levels: 100%, 75%...
  3. BCBLondesLEDGrowLights

    BCBlondes LED Grow Lights Official Thread

    Hello everyone. We are proud to announce that we are now an official sponsor of RollItUp! This thread will be for all things BCB. We are based out of Kelowna BC Canada (about 3 hours northeast of Vancouver) We started building and selling LED grow lights over 5 years ago, originally on Ebay...