recently started getting these flowers in my cannabis? I fed it Alaska Fish Fert today?
Should I continue to feed my girl then flush at the end? Or stop feeding and still flush at the end?
Any advise will help.
Just found out one of my plants is male. I don’t want to toss it because I took care of it. So I guess you can say I’m emotionally attached. HA! Wondering if you experts on here can help me out with some solid advise.
I read mix’d feeling in regards to making cannubutter with the male cannabis...
Newbie here, wondering if I should FIM once more? I just started seeing pistils. Which I’m super excited considering this is my 1st grow. I was thinking of possibly FIMING one more time. My greed for more buds is telling me to do so but my gut feeling is telling me NO.
Any advise would be...
Just got a magnifying glass to see my plants more thoroughly. Mainly to look at flowers to make sure it’s ready for harvest.
I’ve was testing it out in a plant that I think is male.
Take a look at the photos below...
am I right??
It’s a boy???
Wondering if a plant is still growing big during July in SoCal. Growing outdoors & Looking for a strong growth. seems to be growing slow.
Alaska Fert
In sun all day
Just placed in a 10gal container
Starting to feel like plant will not grow big.
1st timer here.
Was wondering if anyone knew why my cannabis doesn’t smell. When it was smaller it smelled pretty good. As it’s getting a tad bigger it seems like the scent went away. Here are the living conditions:
Stems have been tied
It’s been FIM’d
2-3 days between watering