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  1. Horselover fat

    Track cycling

    I don't watch sports really, but I do like some track cycling events. There are no velodromes here, but I'd love to have pint and watch people fly around the track. Look at how steep the banks on a velodrome can be! Would you ride that? Would you ride it 50kmh - 80kmh on a 200-250meter...
  2. Horselover fat

    Let this sink in

    Tiny dot. The ISS moves at ~25 000km/h and it would take nine million years for it to travel the distance. Milkyway is ~100 000 light-years accross and it's only two million light-years to andromeda.
  3. Horselover fat

    Led-tech Zeuss 308xt build (kinda overkill)

    I put together my new Zeuss boards a couple of days ago. They are 28x44cm boards with 308 Samsung lm301b leds. I'm driving the four boards with two Meanwell 2.1a drivers (the boards could take upto 3.5a). If I run them at full 2.1a they put out 64000 lumens or 900ppf (1250ppfd) and use 320w of...