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  1. C

    RDWC undercurrent in ice coolers/esky containers

    Hey guys, I live in a place with a constant high temp. Ive just bought a 2nd hand water chiller and im trying to minimise condensation and also insulate the water from the high ambient temps. I come across people using ice coolers I think you guys in the USA call them, here we call them eskys...
  2. C

    Heath Robinsons undercurrent RDWC setup

    Hi guys, Ive been searching the internet all morning to try and find details on his undercurrent setup that utilises no air pumps. Specifically how he plumbs the outlet at the top of the netpot to get that DO content? Is he just pointing a 13mm pipe at the base of the tree and allowing water to...
  3. C

    5' x 2' LED Strip light setup, Pros please straighten my head

    Hey guys, I've read sooooo many threads and I'm now just more confused than I started. Half the threads start off informational then turn into 2 dudes arguing so if we could keep it on the narrow here it would be amazing, just need straight information. Im building a 5' x 2' grow area, new...
  4. C

    GrowRoom Automation Software

    Hey guys, I am very keen on the idea of automating my tent. I am a BIG DIY'er and love to manufacture and build my own stuff where I can. I really want to use a Raspberry Pi/Arduino controller as the brains. But I am really struggling to find a Opensource software that is easy enough for me to...