Search results

  1. Milovan1

    What Band Do You Regret Never Getting The Chance To See Live?

    What band do you regret never getting the chance to see live? For me it would be in no particular order after Led Zeppelin & Jackson 5 would be Led Zeppelin Jackson 5 (Early On) Aerosmith UFO Foreigner Beach Boys Boston Emerson, Lake & Palmer Sex Pistols Chicago David Bowie (Early On) Bread...
  2. Milovan1

    Veracious Ghost Stories

    Since Halloween is upon us tomorrow I thought this would be a good time to hear your true ghost story(s) that has happened to you and/or someone close to you. I have several but I'll start out with just these... When I was a kid, there was these two story town houses across from each...
  3. Milovan1

    What Is The Oddest Food You've Eaten?

    (If there's a similar post, I searched but couldn't fine one) Has anyone here ever eaten anything that's a bit unusual and/or exotic? As a kid, several times I would take a piece of bread spread a nice coat of lard on it and sprinkle sugar on top. :D I've got more to share but first I'd...
  4. Milovan1

    Have To Do But Hate To Do

    Not sure if this is gonna go anywhere but I was wondering if anybody here has anything you have to do but hate doing? :wall: Let's here it! Me: Going to the bank. Getting groceries. Getting gas. Sometimes having to deal with idiot's.
  5. Milovan1

    Rollitup not working for me. Anyone else?

    For the past couple days, for some reason everything on this website loads extremely slow for me but all other websites everything loads fast. Anyone having this same prob or any insight/suggestions? Thanks
  6. Milovan1

    Dope Pix

    Does anyone have any type of dope pix to share? I'll start off with this one..
  7. Milovan1

    Is "Keep 'Em Green" Throughout Flower Best?

    Do you think "keep 'em green all the way throughout the entire flowering stage till harvest" is the best way to go or is the leaf yellowing towards the end of flower is fine?
  8. Milovan1


  9. Milovan1

    The Creepy Thread

    Anyone have anything creepy to say or pix to post? I'll start off with this pic. Warning: This thread may be unsuitable for some viewers. Enter at own risk.
  10. Milovan1

    I'm Back!

    Been absent for a while due to relocation but now I'm back and looking forward to all things RIU again. Created this new account cause I couldn't retrieve my old account due to not having access to my old email address and password to log in here at RIU. My old account was solid (well known...