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  1. Dannydavito

    This girl ready for harvest? Havent grown in a while.

    Critical Sour Diesel Week 9 of flower. Is she looking ready? Haven't grown in quite some time so I'm still getting back in the swing of things. Thanks for any help
  2. Dannydavito

    First hydro grow check-up

    My first hydro grow is starting to take off now that it's hit the water. The roots are growing daily. The color of the plant looks a little off to me though. It looks a bit too green which would suggest to me an excess of nutrients. My ppm is 80 and it's staying relatively stable I think.
  3. Dannydavito

    Will a seed grow a root faster under a laser.

    I have a theory that I need all of you to prove wrong for me. Once a seed has a taproot out shouldn't it benefit from an intense light source. Some of the light would pierce through the shell and hit the enclosed cotelydons right? And thus fuel the growth of the taproot by a small amount. Please...
  4. Dannydavito

    Germinating seeds on my ballast

    I was thinking about where I could place my seeds that was warm. The ballast for my hps is the perfect spot! Just don't let any water drip on the ballast!
  5. Dannydavito

    A simple trick to gain 10 extra inches

    Starting from a seed place the plant in a deep pot allowing the root to go down unimpeded. The taproot should grow thick, as thick as the stem above. Use the stem of the plant to gauge the length and thickness of the root. When it is at the desired length simply employ my new technique...
  6. Dannydavito

    What happens if you supercrop the whole plant

    What happens if you supercrop every available spot on the plant. Like literally hundreds of crushes. Will it heal back as a monster with woody thick branches?
  7. Dannydavito

    Can I supercrop the main stem.

    I have a fairly large plant growing outdoors and I have some questions on supercropping. Can I crush the main stem at the bottom ie. The thickest part, without bending it. In theory it should increase the sturdiness and nutrient flow rate right? Also can I crush every single area on the...
  8. Dannydavito

    Ready for harvest

    I'm 8 weeks into flower and wondering if these look ready. I got a 40x jeweler's scope but still can't tell that well.
  9. Dannydavito

    Auto topping clone?

    My clone seems to have grown two main stems on its own. It's revegging right now because I took it from a flowering plant. Is this a good trait and will it occur again if I clone the clone?
  10. Dannydavito

    Massive leaf death in flower. Next step.

    I unfortunately encountered a spidermites problem in late flower and didn't catch it until great damage was done. I am now in about week 7 since the flip and my plant is in a sorry state. I have treated the mites and got them under control. What is my next step here. Do I harvest early, do I...
  11. Dannydavito

    Seedling with no cotyledons

    The shell was in the process of falling off, so I decided to pull it off with a pencil tip. The seed didn't seem ready to lose the shell, it was too early. I managed to get it off without breaking anything but the cotyledons don't appear to have formed yet. Will it survive? Ive never seen...
  12. Dannydavito

    Flowering plant yellowing

    My plant is 6 weeks from the flip currently and it's producing some great looking buds. However the leaves on the plant are yellowing and curling. It seems to only be the lower leaves currently but I don't want it to spread. Is it a nitrogen deficiency and if so should I start giving a nitrogen...
  13. Dannydavito

    Are these buds looking good?

    I'm 6 weeks from flip and I'm wondering if these buds are developing correctly. First grow so go easy on me.
  14. Dannydavito

    How bad is a few hours of hot temps

    My plant is in flowering and my dumb ass forgot to turn the AC on before I left. Didn't notice it for maybe 3 or 4 hours. The temps got up to 89.6 at the peak. The temperature is now down in the 70s since I turned on the AC. The plant shows signs of heat stress. How bad is a few hours of high...
  15. Dannydavito

    How to extract carbon rods for use in electroculture.

    Electrodes are needed for experimenting in electroculture. Sure any old conductive rod will work but ideally it should be non corrosive to limit contaminants and unwanted reactions. Luckily high quality thick carbon rods can be found in common lantern batteries. Materials Lantern battery Pliers...
  16. Dannydavito

    An introduction to Electroculture

    A niche growing style that may soon gain traction within the growing community is electroculture! Electroculture is a term used to describe a wide range of growing techniques that involve a plants response to electricity. The idea of electroculture has been around for hundreds of years but...
  17. Dannydavito

    First grow how's she looking

    First grow just got into flowering about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately she outgrew my tent a little...
  18. Dannydavito

    Electrical shock growth test

    I've had an idea for a while to run an electrical current through the root zone of my plants. My hypothesis is small electric currents can speed growth by powering and inducing chemical reactions. Perhaps the current can supply energy for chemical reactions directly to the plant tissue. I would...
  19. Dannydavito

    Why cut leaves in half when cloning.

    I've often heard that you should cut leaves in half to reduce transpiration, which is a sound idea and definitely works. However wouldn't it make more sense to simply remove more leaves entirely. Two leaves will produce the same amount of transpiration as four leaves cut in half correct? If you...
  20. Dannydavito

    Are these roots or random plant material?

    Had this clone in some soil for a few days before I got impatient and pulled it out. I noticed these little nubs sticking off that look like either roots or some random plant shit. It's in a bubble cloner now.