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  1. M

    Can plants recover from nute burn

    As the title says Can and do plants recover from nute burn and over watering. Also how tough are these plants, how much unintended abuse can they take Atb mike
  2. M

    Feeding my plants.

    This is what I'm using to feed my plants with. It's the only type of feed available to me, locally, and that I know of. Is it suitable for my plants in garden soil. Atb Mike
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    Repotting plants.

    When is is too late to repot plants into fresh clean soil. Here's a pic, are the too old, will I damage them now Atb Mike
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    Garden soil or bag compost.

    As the title says, which is the best for out door growing, organic garden soil or bag compost. Atb Mike
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    Could anyone tell my whats wrong.

    Could someone please tell me what's up with plants. There were doing great till the end of last week. Don't know did I over feed or water them. Should I change them into fresh new compost. These are grown outside, and I'm a first time grower.
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    Black culry leaves.

    Hi all. I just noticed black curly leaves on my plants this afternoon. Searched for answers, but nothing matched. Would anyone have any ideas.
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    Nubie, that needs help

    Hi all. New member, have to say great fourm. I'm a first time grower, and have ran into issues. I over fed my plants with tomato feed, and they started to turn brown at the tips. I read that the soil is now to full of feed, so I moved them into fresh new soil orginc soil, with just fresh water...