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  1. MozzerellaFirefox

    Burnt tips! Help!

    Hey guys, been going through my first grow and I’m about 5 weeks into flowering and I am seeing burnt tips curling up everywhere! I have been dealing with the problem since mid veg, I figured it was nitrogen burn from the miracle gro I stupidly plantEd them in. So I flushed multiple times untill...
  2. MozzerellaFirefox

    Help! Thrips in flowering stage !

    Hey guys, I have thrips and I’m about 4-5 weeks into flower wondering about best control methods that won’t harm my buds, please and thanks !
  3. MozzerellaFirefox

    Help! Light change and thrips during flowering !

    Hey guys, I’ve been told by my hydro company that they will be shutting off the lights for 6 hours on a specific day coming up this week, my plants are in flowering and the outage interrupts the first three hours of their light, should I change the schedule on the day prior or post to try and...
  4. MozzerellaFirefox

    Help with bug identifying!

    I have been seeing these almost clear markings on some of my new leaves coming in they seem to run along the veins of the leaves, already dealt with thrips, might be them but I know what their markings look like and they don’t seem to match, all help guys ??
  5. MozzerellaFirefox

    Help with bug identification!!

    I have been seeing these almost clear markings on some of my new leaves coming in they seem to run along the veins of the leaves, already dealt with thrips, might be them but I know what their markings look like and they don’t seem to match, all help guys ??
  6. MozzerellaFirefox

    Help with training!

    Hey guys, it’s my first grow and I’m tried some super cropping as you can see from the pictures, but I fear the stems have bent too far. Are they going to be able to recover/form a knuckle, or have I maimed them?
  7. MozzerellaFirefox

    Help sexing

    help this is my first grow, about 4 weeks along. Pics are attached