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  1. Bagginski

    The Libertarian Zeitgeist Under the Microscope

    Interview w/ the Libertarian candidate for president in this election. Pretty much the official modern line on Libertarianism I considered myself a libertarian of sorts back in the 70s; lots of it sounds/sounded good, but there were significant...
  2. Bagginski

    The Debate: Thursday, June 27

    Anybody feel like watching it with me? I plan on being in here ~8:45 while watching/listening, in case y’all wanna kibitz
  3. Bagginski

    Is Consciousness Imaginary?

    (BTW, *how* does Popular *MECHANICS* end up posting stuff like this?) First off, this is interesting to think on; secondly, the lack of personal awareness on display; third, a note from history (*not in that order) Stoners of my experience are not...
  4. Bagginski

    Media doing their job

  5. Bagginski

    In case you don’t know about the Air Force

    The US Air Force has a now-long history of playing footsie with the hard-core evangelical movement, including infestation of the Air Force Academy & command ranks, including officers in uniform making explicitly pro-dominionist statements. If this is news to you, check out Mickey Weinstein...
  6. Bagginski

    The Long March to 11/24

    Looks like we’ve squeezed out of the 2022 frame by the continued press of events, so here’s a spot to focus fresh. I don’t agree with the article’s perspective (I don’t argue with it factually) because it hinges on the notion that Jack Smith choosing...
  7. Bagginski

    The Confederacy, the “Lost Cause”, our current moment

    I’ve said it so often: slavery - as brought here from Barbados and practiced here - is our nation’s original sin. Espousing freedom and liberty on the back of chattel slavery from the very beginning, a condition little better than livestock, has been warping who we are as people and as a...
  8. Bagginski

    The Kraken calls for dismissal of $1.3 billion Dominion lawsuit against her

    ...on the premise that “no reasonable person” could have taken her seriously: ...raising the age-old question, “were you lying then, or are you lying now...or are you just a liar?”
  9. Bagginski

    So...are trophies worth anything, or just cool?

    Asking for a friend...
  10. Bagginski

    We were talking about Socrates...

    This is investigative journalist IF Stone interviewing himself about the book, “The Trial of Socrates”...for those who’d just as soon skip finding and reading the book: