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  1. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    !!! WARNING !!!

    who the fuck is this? pagin me at 5:46 in the mornin growing is only the half of it right? the moving it, that’s the other. the protecting it. Pounding out in Georgetown? Can we talk about security? Please, if you would, share your thoughts, stories, advice regarding security...
  2. elibaltutiimaidumituti


    ok let’s just say out loud what we all know. the greatest threat to the health and success of your garden is called a new girlfriend. similar to PM a new girlfriend can be acquired while you are away from your garden purchasing additional items for the plants. new girlfriends could...
  3. elibaltutiimaidumituti

    is moonlight beneficial?

    it would seem that moonlight does have a demonstrated positive/natural/necessary? effect on plant growth. reference the spectral chart and lunar phase plant response chart. i imagine a “moon light” system that replicates lunar spectral frequency at appropriate and natural light levels...