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  1. BFERG

    Can Ohio get it done without screwing it up as bad as our Med program was

    Right now in Ohio we have 3 measures to legalize adult use in Ohio. HB328 a Dem. sponsored bill, HB498 a rep bill, and regulate as alcohol a possible ballot measure if the general assembly does not vote it in. Our medical program was just recently made a little better we had a tier system that...
  2. BFERG

    Back with a few questions

    Hi all wrapping up week 3 of flower and have ran into some things that have brought up some questions. I think I'm seeing some foxtailing though not sure exactly what it is just going off a few internet searches so that is my first question, is that what I'm seeing? Secondly she looks pretty...
  3. BFERG

    Is banana tea enough or should I make up some FFJ

    Hi all, I'm almost at the end of the first week of flower. Last watering I used banana tea. My question is will the banana tea carry me through on this grow or would I see better results with FFJ? I'm using super soil made with natures living soil concentrate, the only thing I've fed up to...
  4. BFERG

    Growers choice seeds

    Hi all, just wondering who has used Growers choice and what you think of their genetics. I am growing some of their Northern Lights auto right now seems to be doing very well, but just starting into flower so not sure of the quality. Going to be ordering soon and looking at their critical purp...
  5. BFERG

    New to indoor and organic growing need some advice

    I'm a disabled medical patient working on my first indoor grow ever, things are going well. I am growing in super soil (using Mother Earth's Terracraft as my base and natures living soil auto concentrate) As I said I'm disabled and limited to what I can invest so planning to use different teas...
  6. BFERG

    Big shout out to all the RIU crew

    Just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who replied to my first thread. This is my girl at 20 days since she popped. I have made a couple of mistakes as I knew I would but she seems to be doing okay with it. First mistake was I think I may have been under watering to start, and second I...
  7. BFERG

    Gemrinating first seeds first time indoor grow

    I have been researching for months about indoor growing. I finally pulled the trigger on a tent and everything, just looking for some input on the direction I decided to go. I decided to go with super soil for my medium, using mother earths teracraft potting soil, and natures living soil...