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  1. Missouri Green

    Male pollen in the same room with just flipped 12/12 flowering plant.

    so my problem is this.... never bred before... got 2 cabs in basement.. one cab has 5 bansai for breeding , one male and 4 females. my other cab has one single female for hopefully unseeded bud and is 12 days behind the other 5. the male is popping some pods and i've got a fan spreading...
  2. Missouri Green

    Hydroton digital Cycle timer accidentally put on "daytime" setting while in dark location....

    lol be careful kids at least I visited twice a day... although today is the first time i've noticed anything odd... may have occurred last night? or since day 1. althought i'm thinking it happened last night. I pay very close attention. plant has been going like crazy but results are lack...
  3. Missouri Green

    Ca Mg deficiency??? week 4 flower. what is this?

    top of plant getting lime greeny ... going with cal mg def from running a Low pH for too long. what does it look like to you? Jacks RO formula, no tap. low ph 5.0-5.8 roughly and perhaps low O2 in the root zone. was playing with feed schedules in hydroton... affecting upper leaves most...
  4. Missouri Green

    High Stress Training... technique discovery. "bend and pop"

    Bend and pop. when i crush and fold they usually spring right back . tonight i discovered that if i pinch with fingers or against a screwdriver and fold....just past 90 and then pinch across the fold or at 90 degrees to it the upper part pops between my fingers and the plant is not going to...
  5. Missouri Green

    top center of forming buds looks like yellow dots is this normal?

    First, i think this is normal on fast growing buds, just wanted confirmation. Day16 or so. there are no male flowers anywhere on the plant... unless these dots are male flowers forming but i just think this is fast growing buds with light centers or something... right? i did high stress...
  6. Missouri Green

    how do I dial in a watering schedule in hydroton

    one plant in a 20"x30" cab. plant is 20 inches tall on at least 3 months old on day 11 of flower in about 5 gal of hydroton inside a growbag surrounded by more hydroton in a black 10 gal tote... i've cut almost all the coco this run, except the 5"x5x5 ball the seedling was grown in, and have...
  7. Missouri Green

    is it worth pollinating an F1 hybrid with an IBL Black widow.?

    i've put a bit of effort into growing out several regular seeds .... most are hybrids accept for the Black Widow AKA White widow by the original breeder. so i've got a bunch of Greenpoint regs going and I'm only going to use the females of these (i believe F1) hybrids.... Royal Chem: Purple...
  8. Missouri Green

    Did not remove 2" net pot from seedling.... Transplanted to final home.. ? will it be OK?

    so far she seems unrestricted... figure it will just grow right around it. I just depotted some of its brothers and sisters that got killed...really really tight in the 2" net pot area... but everything seems swiming. however i could restart my baby now , losing 1 months perhaps. prolly not...
  9. Missouri Green

    Will take all constructive criticism!?

    How's she lookin? 77-78deg at the top of the plant about 65-68 lower regions. probably about 7 inches from my spinderfarmer 200watt at the wall. RO water usually 10% tap, jacks 321 then jacks hydro and finaly part A alone to finish this baby out (anyone worried about the extra micro nutes? or...
  10. Missouri Green

    late flower reduction of Calcium to 0 ppm and Nitrogen cut in half to 65ppm using Jacks part A of 321 fame.

    so I was reading an article by someone... who recomends cutting Ca to 0ppm after week 5 if growing in any "soil like" substrate... I had been growing for some time using 450ppm tap water with high...
  11. Missouri Green

    Real Growers Recharge in recirculating hydroponics w/ Jacks RO formula 12-4-16

    I'm getting the impression there is some danger to adding Recharge like this (you know organic hydro and stuff).. whats the worst that could happen? i flow 1 min out of every 5-30 min depending on my mood. the pump is 230gal/hr but probably half that at my head height. reservoir is 10 gal. 4 x...
  12. Missouri Green

    INTERPRETING WATER QUALITY DATA with respect to Sulfate (S04) listed as Sulfate (ppm)= 76ppm

    on the chart at it lists Sulfate (ppm) = 76ppm is the 76 ppm elemental Sulfur or is it actaul sulfate as SO4 and i need to multiply by .33 to get the Sulfur? i lean toward the 76ppm being elemental sulfur and there is approximately 228mg S04 per...
  13. Missouri Green

    do you even need jars/ buckets to cure?

    so lets say i had a humidity controlled cabinet ... i could hang dry first week at 60 F (-70 deg F) @ 60% rh, second week at 60-65% rh by this time the bud is approaching 65% equilibrium (if jared) .. then over the next two-four weeks i could drop daily .5%-.25% rh until i reach 58% ish. then...
  14. Missouri Green

    Adjustable Bottom Drain Hempy Bucket Bin/Tray thing

    Watering every day is just too much work!!!! so i've designed a Hempy Bucket Bin .... with an adjustable height bottom drain and a visual water level indicator. I know, I know, its not a Hempy and keep it simple stupid! but.... this solves several issues for me. I typically run 1 plant at a...