Search results

  1. bobj1598

    What is the most important nutrient to give to a seedling that's hungry?

    Of the three, which is most important: N, P, or K? Asking because I'm trying to get to the bottom of why my roots look so weak. Initially, I gave a dose of 7 3 3 fertilizer for a N deficiency, but now I'm wondering if maybe I should've given the 3 7 3 fertilizer instead (high phosphorus for...
  2. bobj1598

    What did I do wrong?

    My roots are microscopic. Look These plants are two months old, were in the 4.00 round pot for OVER A MONTH!! And look what that produced. What did I do wrong? These things were started in seed starting mix, I should think that's the most optimal medium for root development? But it seems to...
  3. bobj1598

    Call me Brute

    Because I just Caesar'd my growing medium. ONLY ONE POT THOUGH, you'll have to excuse thy cowardice, stabbing wooden skewers into plant roots is somewhat unorthodox to me. But alas I did so, to the one plant that isn't growing as well as the other three. Does this look right to you? Did I make...
  4. bobj1598

    Why are they growing slowly?

    I've narrowed it down to three things that may be affecting the plants growth. Temperature, soil medium, OR the grow light. I cannot rule out the growlight as I have not done any light testing with one of those 'metres' you guys all use. There are a plethora of wood chips inside of my soil that...
  5. bobj1598

    Anyone use the Mighty+?

    I'm about 95%-98% certain I'm going to make the $400-$500 plunge to acquire this device. If you own the device, is there anything at all that you dislike about the unit? Currently using a cheap $100 noname device, and I hate my life greatly because of it.
  6. bobj1598

    Any downside to fucking around with timer lights in veg.?

    My plants aren't growing very fast, and I think it's due to high temps and/or wood chips in my soil. Lights are on 18/6, 6am to 12am. If I change that to 10pm-4pm, is that going to have a negative effect on the plants? And then I'll prob have to readjust the time to account for our shorter...
  7. bobj1598

    Does anyone use a dehumidifier during flower?

    Title. What sorts of benefits do you obtain from using one vs. not using one. I'm curious, I still have so long to go until flower, BUT I WANNA PUT THIS THING ON MY PLANTS!! I WANT THOSE SPARKLES
  8. bobj1598


  9. bobj1598

    Can someone give me the lowdown on this growlight?

    It's the 650R I was originally drawn to it for two reasons: first, it's built with Samsung diodes, and secondly, the so-called 'FarRed' factor. I seen another post on here asking if FarRed was dead, so is it something...
  10. bobj1598

    poached eggs

    if you have insects that hatch from your soil, some people say to fix that to pour hot water all over the soil prior to potting with it. they say it will kill the bugs, but will it just cook them instead? little hardboiled bug eggs everywhere in the soil, does it become nutritional content for...
  11. bobj1598

    Taproot transplant?

    Has anyone ever done this? Long story short, I 'misplanted' my seed and ended up having to dig it up and put it towards the middle of the pot. I anticipated issues with this plant later on and in fact it's been the opposite: this plant is growing something incredible. The other plants, not so...
  12. bobj1598

    About a pound?

    When you grow a plant, is there an 'average' of how much a grower should be looking to harvest? What is the difference between a failed effort and a successful harvest? How do I know I've done a good job cultivating marijuana if I've never seen what a good crop looks like? This feels like...
  13. bobj1598

    Does this look like a potassium deficiency to you?

    see the tips or is this a nutrient burn? I have not fed these plants anything since June 11th.
  14. bobj1598

    It's about ACT

    I would like to make aerated compost tea, I have a 5 gallon food grade pail. I don't intend to use a bigger pail (for now). What is the BARE MINIMUM size of air pump that I would need to fully aerate this concoction properly?
  15. bobj1598

    Bugs in the soil

    My seed starting mix had beetles that hatched and crawled to the surface. Therefore I'm going to try and rid my other bagged soil of the critters before I use it. I watched a video where a grower would allow their soil to dry by placing a container of it underneath their grow fan. I don't have a...
  16. bobj1598

    What happens to a plant that is fed more P&K than N at each phase of the grow cycle?

    I don't mean no nitrogen whatsoever, just more increments of phosphorus and potassium than what's normally recommended. Does it adversely affect the plant in some way or another? I would assume stunted growth, but is that such a bad thing? Please pardon my ignorance, but so long as it grows to...
  17. bobj1598

    Who makes the best inline fans?

    Which company is the Mercedes of the inline fan for grow tents? Who makes the absolute best fans money can buy? Terrabloom or AC Infinity? (or someone else I don't have listed)
  18. bobj1598

    Can a 4-4-4 fertilizer take me all the way through to harvest?

    If I put the 4-4-4 fertilizer into my top soil, at the beginning of veg. what do I do when it comes time to flower? I risk burning my plants if the fertilizer from before is still active and I try to amend with a P&K fertilizer. How do I KISS?
  19. bobj1598

    What is the secret?

    To growing those sugar coated buds with lots of crystals and maximum thc. How do you do that? Don't tell me it's just 'growing a good plant' because if THAT were the case, then why have I been smoking since 2004 and never got to see weed that sparkled under the light? If it were so easy and so...
  20. bobj1598

    What is the difference between these two plants?

    So this is beautiful, lots of sparkles, maximum thc. is it possible for THAT plant to look like crap? is it possible, for a plant that CAN look as good as the photo up above, to look as bad as this one below? What was the major differentiating factor involved in the production of both...