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  1. F

    DWC - Mephistos Wedding - Plants look droopy

    Hi guys, second time trying DWC. This time I try to rely on beneficial bacteria. I sprouted the seeds in eazy plugs and put them into eazy blocks. Then put them into the DWC setup. There is no layer of pumice underneath the eazy blocks and they might be too wet because of the splash zone. I...
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    Barney's Farm Wedding Cake Automatic Endless Grow

    Hi Guys, I put three seeds in a paper towel at 27th of March 2023 this means they are in week 14. I wanted a fast grow, but it turned out quite different. I am running DWC and started sterile (with bleach) which resulted in problems and stunted growth until week 4, then I switched to beenies...
  3. F

    DWC root issues (help would be appreciated)

    Hi, /// skip this section if you just want to know my current problem /// My plants are around 7–8 weeks old, and I am fairly new to DWC. I did a lot of research, and I was reading through a lot of papers about pythium in hydroponics and the actions to prevent it. I know that there is a...
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    DWC Autos are not growing at all, please help!

    Hey guys, I really could need some advice. This is my third attempt on DWC (first 3 plants died of too little water, next 2 of drowning in too much water). Currently, I have 3 Autos in my DIY DWC setup. Two of them are two weeks old, and the third one is the survivor of the second attempt...
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    Sodium Carbonate (Na2Co3) in my bleach.

    Hey, I can't find bleach with only Sodium Hypochlorite. The unscented one still contains Sodium Carbonate. Is this a problem if I keep my nutrient solution sterile with it?
  6. F

    Bleach to nutrient solution.

    Hey, soon I want to start my first DWC grow. I have read that people lr use bleach to keep their nutrient solution sterile and I find that a cool way. My only worry is that if I add the diluted bleach water mixture to the nutrient solution, the bleach might react with the fertilizer in the rez...
  7. F

    Questions about Calcium Hypochlorite / Natrium Hypochlorite (Pool Shock / Bleach) in DWC regarding health

    Hello, I am new to this forum but I am active in other grow forums. I want to ask here because I saw a lot of posts about this topic. I've done my research and read through many posts, articles and so on regarding hypochlorites, hypochlorous acid, ozon, h2o2 and some more for keeping a...