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  1. Mumbeltypeg

    Any Tissue culture threads?

    Looking at setting up some basic equipment to give TC a crack.. looking for those who have ventured down this path
  2. Mumbeltypeg

    Sativa question..

    Just daydreaming a bit here, was wondering about the long flower time of haze.. I want to grow a room full but it’s a long time to wait and it’s going to throw all my other stuff out of cycle. Could I grow a mother to say week 3-5ish of flower, clone and then just keep them in flower to shave...
  3. Mumbeltypeg

    Tales from the old days..

    Anyone got any reading or video suggestions for story’s from old growers that grew big before everything became legal? Books, YouTube links, personal stories whatever..
  4. Mumbeltypeg

    Question Re; Auto’s

    Please excuse me if this is a dumb question but I’m old and we didn’t have autos when I started. People tell me they are great and you can run the lights at 18/6 and they eat it up.. well, I’m looking at the comparison between a photo and an auto run side by side for the same amount of time and...
  5. Mumbeltypeg

    Rehydrating tips

    I have overdried a few pounds of bud to the point it’s a bit crumbly, thinking of trying to rehydrate a little.. thought I would try putting it all into a big bag with a few orange peels in an effort to add some moisture back into them. Has anyone tried this before? Is it a waste of time? Will...
  6. Mumbeltypeg

    Harvesting in stages

    I’m giving a two stage harvest a go for the first time, I cut all the top layer off and am letting the bottom go for a while longer to see what happens. For those who like to do it this way, what can I expect? The lighter coloured flower to gain some colour? Buds to firm up a bit more? Would I...
  7. Mumbeltypeg

    Mutant looking bud..

    Anyone seen buds go weird like this? The whole plant was odd from the get go.. strange serrations ect.. rest of the room is on point, this is just some weird pheno or something. Just thought I’d share.
  8. Mumbeltypeg

    Heat pump advice needed for project

    Hey my tech minded growmies.. got a question for you - I’ve got a project I’m trying to figure out.. I’m building a timber kiln/oven and was wondering if I trick the thermostat on a split system aircon unit would I be able to get it to continue to heat up to 50c? I would be using a 20ft ex...
  9. Mumbeltypeg

    Cal/mag def?

    Hello all, I had some leaves showing some somewhat alarming symptoms a few days ago.. I have since given a bump with some cal mag and a very small dose of micro-nutes to see if it sorts them. If anyone recognises this and has any advice it would be most welcome.
  10. Mumbeltypeg

    Light timer cockup help

    Hi folks.. I need some advice here. I added an extra light a week ago at week 3 of flower and I missed a couple of old programs on the timer and so the lights have been coming on and off through the night and my poor girls have started kicking out vegetative growth and the buds have stopped...
  11. Mumbeltypeg

    Severe droop/wilt

    One of the girls in my tent has developed a severe droop pretty much overnight.. noticed it this morning and has worsened through the day today to the point it looks pretty much fucked. Seems odd as it’s hooked up to a recirculating system.. and is getting the same treatment as all the others...
  12. Mumbeltypeg

    Old Californian strain hunt..

    Hey friends, I have a Californian expat in his 60’s I have been friends with for year in Australia.. he likes a smoke but often gets misty eyed talking about some weed he used to get back in the day around sonoma county.. hasn’t got a particular strain he usually describes it as “purple no hair...
  13. Mumbeltypeg

    Little help from the brains trust please..

    Hello friends, I’m a bit unsure of where to go here.. I am having a reoccurring issue with my plants. I am new to using LEDs and am wondering if perhaps it is light stress effecting these girls? I’m doing my head in trying to get my head around all the nutrient imbalance info.. my room...
  14. Mumbeltypeg

    Mumbeltypegs Mobile Grow Room

    Massive photo bomb here..from start to where I’m currently up to.. Has been a lot of fun this grow, has been an education that’s for sure.. will have some more shots soon as am installing an AC split system later today.. (wish me luck as am doing the install myself) I will add more details...
  15. Mumbeltypeg

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi all, thought I’d be polite and say hello. have decided to dip my green thumb back in after 20 years of not, and decided this time I want to do it right and have poured my heart into my setup (have posted in Newbies section if your interested) have bought a 22ft caravan and converted it...
  16. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Hi all, long time reader first time sharer. I haven’t grown anything for over 20 years but decided it was time. am splitting my grow into half RDWC (never tried before but excited to give it a go) and half in hydro ton- (same as in the past) Took me a bit longer to get the DWC setup running so...