Search results

  1. Seanf610

    How much can you get out of a CFL?

    I grew cfl before and was wondering how much others have gotten out of them I used like 6 or 7 lights from the store just the regular kind of each soft and bright I hooked up as many lamps as I could find but that was the makeshift way I did it. What are some of RIU’s results and how did you...
  2. Seanf610

    New news about legalization or recreational and growing.

    Excited about this news story I just read about the new things happening with politics and medical marijuana. Anyone that wants to comment what they think I’m interested. What do you think this news story means. I think legalization of rec and grow is around the corner for PA...
  3. Seanf610

    Best nutrients to use I need your advice.

    I looked up best nutrients for cannabis and got reefertilizer has anyone used this? Or are there any others that have given good yields and quality that are organic or natural
  4. Seanf610

    Delaware medical marijuana growing

    Is growing medical marijuana in Delaware legal for home cultivation yet? I know they just legalized recreational on board for opening dispensaries next year around thanksgiving/2025 new year
  5. Seanf610

    Delaware legal to grow?,six%20plants%20for%20personal%20use.
  6. Seanf610

    So is it legal to grow weed in New Jersey What is this referring to? The laws now or the laws coming to New Jersey?