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  1. A_Stoned_Llama

    Nutter Budder x Pistacio - A Keeper Journal

    Introduction: Welcome, I intend for this journal to be a little different than normal. I dont have current plans to flower these out, they are revegging at the moment. I figured I would track this since she is the best I have ever come across and will hold her until I find something better...
  2. A_Stoned_Llama

    Super Buff Cherry - The First Five

    Hello There, Welcome to my grow journal, the setup is as follows: 5x5 ft Tent 4x4 ft Soil Bed 125+ Gallons of BaS 3.0 blend (2nd cycle, 8 cuft added) 680w 6-bar Mint White LED ACInfinity for fans, exhaust, humidifier, and controller I have been strongly convinced, through experimentation in...
  3. A_Stoned_Llama

    Hello There

    Hey All, New to the site, lurked a bit before joining. Midwest USA. So I didn't smoke at all before I saw it had a chance to become legal in my state. It had been a decade probably since I last smoked. I have never successfully kept a plant alive, so I did some research before buying any...