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  1. RyanTheRhino

    OMG I almost lost my Password.

    Let me know if logging on is to forgetful... We are a friendly group when it comes to this situation. any input is good input FYI. Lest just saying i my have forgotten my essentials, let me know if you may need more.?
  2. RyanTheRhino

    So I Got in a Bar Fight...

    Lets put it plain and simple.... I lost(maybe?) It's the 4th of July and i go out to the bar with my sister. For some reason we catch beef and later go outside. Outside i see the guy and he makes a B-line for me, I say don't cross this line ( some imaginary line) my personal space. He crosses...
  3. RyanTheRhino

    Friend sent to jail for breaking and entering

    This is not the first time my friend has broken into a house. He got away with it a few times which I thought was alway fucked. One time he got caught and I sent him canteen for half a decade. He got out and was a hard working man for 2 years and now he fucked up again. Same exact charges...
  4. RyanTheRhino

    Real accounts of Obama Care In Your Life

    So this thread is only for people directly affected by Obama care. Good or Bad To express their experience. If it has not effected you yet STFU. Ill start. My 25 Year old bumb ass sister has health care. I guess ill say that is positive.
  5. RyanTheRhino

    Insurance Is A Scam

    Why do you buy insurance?, because you might not be able to afford something. Why can't you afford something? Because someone is willing to buy it for 100X its value. Why is someone willing to buy something for 100x its value? Because insurance will cover it. Poll: Has your insurance covered...
  6. RyanTheRhino

    Non-Newtonian Fluids

    Hey everybody, Newtonian fluids differ from regular fluid like water & air because shear rate is a function of shear stress. In other words, a non-Newtonian fluid will become harder(more like a solid) or softer/thinner depending on home much force is applied in a given time. Here is a...
  7. RyanTheRhino

    What would you do?????

    So basically I work for a company, and its a great small time company that spent a lot of money into a new software that only I know how to run. I worked there for a while as the "Setup Guy" While I was working on other research in my field. NASA literally offered me an agreement to design...
  8. RyanTheRhino

    First actual encounter of Obama Care

    My health insurance premiums are increasing 15% Attached to the letter was a note explaining for the rather dramatic increases " The Affordable Healthcare Act":cuss:
  9. RyanTheRhino

    Obama goes George Bush on Syria

    We want change, nope Just another invasion based on skeptical WMD Oh no Syria has chemical weapons, but lets forget that we still have labs developing weapons
  10. RyanTheRhino

    Happy st patty's day

    Getting started early here
  11. RyanTheRhino

    New Computer Build

    So I based my price range on what it would cost to buy a "Apple desktop" I ended up with Cpu- Intel i7 3700k motherboard - asus p867 pro psu- 850watt sea-sonic Video- 680 GTX nvidia Bluray rw case- corsair obsidian 650 d storage - ssd 128G for ruining OS and programs 1.5 T mechanical...
  12. RyanTheRhino

    scramble the jets

    There have been radar planes flying low for two straight days now. There are so many of them anywhere you go you can see two of them within your line of sight. Its not rare to see these planes but they normally fly much higher and there are far less. I really hope they are just training :shock:
  13. RyanTheRhino

    My powers out

    Now I know why people in the Middle Ages drank so much. I'm bored as fuck
  14. RyanTheRhino

    Obama just appointed Ernie Moniz Head MIT physics professor

    He will run the department of energy . We may actually see new technology that works now.
  15. RyanTheRhino

    (France vs Britain) Parallels (USA vs Soviet Union)

    Discuss the parallels between these two events. Two superpowers : France, British Empire France supports insurgents in the mainland America to fight off the British. Two superpowers : USA, Soviet Union USA supports insurgents in Afghanistan to fight off the Soviet union . Now my...
  16. RyanTheRhino

    The fiscal cliff will be solved, IMO

    The new goal is 1 Trillion(spending) for 1 Trillion for(Revenues) With less then 14 days left -the days congress goes on vacation for December holidays The latest information from the "Republican" side claims that we are at 1.4 Trillion in taxes vs 0.8 Trillion in spending cuts. After...
  17. RyanTheRhino

    Bush Tarp Bailout On Track To Be Repaid. AIG returned 22.7 Billion Profit

    This is a good sign. BofA Citi and other banks are doing very well recently. The rest of AIG will be sold back to the public for a $22.7 billion profit to the government. The whole process is still in the red but the AIG pay back is large enough to cover most of GM's debt. With the banks gaining...
  18. RyanTheRhino

    I love you guys

    HA. I love how there will be 100 threads on the same thing when its current news. Once it passes they just fade into the oblivion never to be brought back up.
  19. RyanTheRhino

    Obama calls out Republicans on fiscal cliff

    Kinda what a lot of people have been thinking well what i was thinking at least. Republicans will wait for us to go over the cliff. The taxes will rise and they can renegotiate for a legitimate tax cut instead of just compromising on a lower tax hike. Politics man just pathetic. I still don't...
  20. RyanTheRhino

    Free school lunch for public schools.

    So this is more of a local issue, but I would like to hear your opinions. We all know that families that are below a certain income level are eligible to get free school lunch. Kids are assigned a pin number when they order food like an id system. They have noticed that the kids getting free...