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  1. HaLFBaK3D

    Help Support Prop 19 for America

    please donate a small amount of time to visiting this site SUPPORT PROPOSITION 19 For All America:leaf:
  2. HaLFBaK3D

    RIU We Need Your Support

    Hello i just wanted to talk to everyone here about proposition 19 and why it failed but im not going to say that what i am going to say is if you want medical to be legal for america then go to my site please and help us support the cause :leaf:
  3. HaLFBaK3D

    We Need Support

    Hello I just wanted to talk to everyone here about proposition 19 and why it failed but im not going to say that what i am going to say is if you want medical to be legal for america then go to my site please and help us support the cause
  4. HaLFBaK3D

    Hello RIU

    Hello i just wanted to talk to everyone here about proposition 19 and why it failed but im not going to say that what i am going to say is if you want medical to be legal for america then go to my site please and help us support the cause
  5. HaLFBaK3D

    proposition 19 for america

    I found this site that supports prop 19 for America check it out :leaf:
  6. HaLFBaK3D

    Site That Wants Proposition 19 For The World

    check this out:leaf:
  7. HaLFBaK3D

    found harvested crops

    me and my friend were walking home and were talking about how cool it would be to find some one's plants then we stumbled upon a 2 black trash bags i looked at my friend he looked at me then a bunch of little buds fell out of the bag so we called some buddys and loaded it up so all in all it was...
  8. HaLFBaK3D

    what gets you the highest?

    I would love to get zombie high like drop dead (Not Dead Still Breathing) High how would i do this with less weed (need to get 4 people dead high lol)
  9. HaLFBaK3D

    What Gets You Highest?

    what type of food gets you highest but also save weed?
  10. HaLFBaK3D

    What's The Harm in Flowering With....

    What's The Harm in Flowering With Daylight (6500k) CFL bulbs only for a few days?
  11. HaLFBaK3D

    Help!!! Plants Wilting

    Here's a pic
  12. HaLFBaK3D

    Help!!! Plants Wilting

    here's a pic
  13. HaLFBaK3D

    How do you start on hydroponics?

    How exactly do you start and finish hydroponics?:-P
  14. HaLFBaK3D

    CFL Low Wattz First Grow

    Hi I'm new to growing and these are my first three plants. I started all three of them in one pot with Scott's Premium Garden Soil. I let them sit out on my porch for about 2 1/2 weeks. My neighbors started getting noisy so I decided to start growing them in my closet shhh! I went out and...
  15. HaLFBaK3D

    Whats The Difference Between Sativa and Indica?

    Just wanted to know
  16. HaLFBaK3D

    Do Plants Grow Slower Under CFL's?

    When i had my plants outside i noticed growth almost every day now that i got my indoor CFL's im not really noticing the growth is it just me? im currently growing 3 plants under 4 26 watt daylight bulbs
  17. HaLFBaK3D

    400 Watt Fluorescent Lights

    is 400watts of Fluorescent bulbs enough to grow 3 plant (I have 4 bulbs) there Daylight spectrum bulbs 100 watts each
  18. HaLFBaK3D

    Whats The Best Light To Use?

    i have 3 plants and was wondering what light should i be useing that is cost effective?
  19. HaLFBaK3D

    Indoor help

    i have 3 plants and sitting about 3inch above them are 2 60watt CFL's. Well I was wondering if 2 60watt CFL's would do? if not what kind of CFL would i need 400watt? Thanks for the help its greatly appreciated
  20. HaLFBaK3D

    how many lights do i need?

    I have been growing 3 plants outside and ive been worrying about my neighbors being nosey so i would like to know what lights/Watts i would need and any other info to make a successful indoor grow room