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  1. Marijuana21

    what will happen to my plant

    i have two plants out side. my plants had buds on them till i topped my plants now theirs no buds. will it grow buds again. :confused::cry::confused::cry::confused:
  2. Marijuana21

    Cocoa Powder as fertilizer

    Anybody heard of using Cocoa Powder as fertilizer.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
  3. Marijuana21

    Leonurus Sibiricus

    Leonurus Sibiricus anyone heard of this stuff and does it really get you high? How is the high compared to marijuana and do you guys recomend it.
  4. Marijuana21

    magic mushrooms in north Carolina

    what magic mushrooms are in eastern north Carolina.
  5. Marijuana21

    Best Food When High

    what do you think is the best food when your high :joint:
  6. Marijuana21

    can i grow in saltwater marshes

    can i grow in saltwater marshes, that seems to be the safest place there along the sound
  7. Marijuana21

    How Do You Make Tea Out Of Marijuana?

    how do you make tea out of marijuana :weed:
  8. Marijuana21

    Growing on conservation land?

    My property backs up to conservation property but it is only declared conservation land to keep people from building on it. It is not patrolled by any conservation department. Is this too risky to grow on?
  9. Marijuana21

    Tree gator bag

    how do i make a Tree gator bag
  10. Marijuana21

    will Miracle grow potting soil work good

    will Miracle grow potting soil work good ?
  11. Marijuana21

    when is a good time to start growing in nc

    when is a good time to start growing in nc
  12. Marijuana21

    Thinking of selling..helpful hints??

    obviously i want to be safe. do you guys have any helpful hints on how to avoid getting busted? my main concern is to have a way to tell if a new customer is a cop or not. How do you guys tell? Anything you do to prove they arent undercover cops?
  13. Marijuana21

    water in the hole

    I started to dig the holes today for the plants that will be going in soon. The soil is very black, so i figure its kind of rich and not as bad as i previously thought. Only one problem though. When I dug about 18" down i hit water! oh no! now im not sure if the actual water table is that high...
  14. Marijuana21

    Cutting down top 1/2 of plant

    The top 1/2 of my plants are ready to harvest, while the lower buds still are mostly white hairs-not ready. Is there any harm in cutting the top section/ready buds now (including the main), then waiting for the rest to be ready in a week or two?Will I stress/wreck the rest of the lower bud or...
  15. Marijuana21

    Has Anyone Ever Made Moonshine?

    has anyone ever made moonshine i need some tips
  16. Marijuana21

    how long does it take to dry your weed

    how long does it take to dry your weed??? :blsmoke:
  17. Marijuana21

    how to build a small green house

    how do i build a small cold frame green house
  18. Marijuana21

    how do i hide a weed plant in the woods

    how do i hide a massive weed plant in the woods
  19. Marijuana21

    do t cops watch nirvana

    do t cops watch nirvana :confused:
  20. Marijuana21

    can i trust nirvana to ship to north carolina

    can i trust nirvana to ship to north carolina