Search results

  1. WeedFreak78

    Building an indoor raised bed, S.I.P vs drained?

    I've decided to go no till after running recycled soil for the last 2 years. Here where I started and the mix I'll be using: None of the pre-made beds fill my area quite right so I'm just gonna build something. It's...
  2. WeedFreak78

    The Single Seed Center

    Selection: Pretty much anything you want - 10 Price: Singles as low as $3 for regs, $9 for fems, whole packs seem comparable to others - 10 Service: Fast order confirmation and shipping, a little slow to respond to email (2-3days) - 9 Stealth Rating: Could have been better, I didn't like the...
  3. WeedFreak78

    Botanicare now owned by Scott's miracle grow

    Tried going on Botanicares site Friday and couldn't find the PBP page. Called the toll free number and find out they've been bought by Hawthorne Gardening Co., who is owned by Scott's. :finger: They know nothing about the botanicare. com site and tell you to use theirs. Must've just happened, I...
  4. WeedFreak78

    Ballast issue?

    I'm running a 1.5 yr old nanolux 1000w dimmable ballast, I run my 12/12 cycles overnight. It's run off a 4 light controller, 240v, triggered by a mechanical timer Bulbs only 6 weeks old. The last 2 mornings my light hasn't been on. If I unplug it, even just for a few seconds, and plug it back...
  5. WeedFreak78

    Horse manure ok?

    I just found a source of composted horse manure, probably 20 years worth that just keeps getting added to. It's a pile about 70ft long and 4ft high. One end is pretty much well aged, black soil the other is fresh poop. I can't say I've ever really heard of anyone using it, but I'm assuming...
  6. WeedFreak78

    Thinking of moving to the S.W U.S., but where?

    I started asking about places to live in Cali in jibber jabber , so i figured I'd start a thread. I'm sick of winters, no.... I'm FUCKING SICK OF WINTERS!:cuss::finger::cuss::finger: I think I've reached my breaking point, I fucked my back up last Sunday, the first time it snowed, only 4"...
  7. WeedFreak78

    Heating amended soil to speed up cook time

    I usually have 5 weeks for my soil to sit and cook, which has always worked good. I had some family issues the last couple weeks so I'm behind schedule. Would adding one of those seed starting heat mats under the tote of soil speed things up? I'm looking at about 3-3.5 weeks before i need it...
  8. WeedFreak78

    "V" Notch stem instead of crushing

    Instead of crushing stems, anyone ever cut a "V" Notch into a stem, like if you were cutting down a tree, then laying it over so the cut closes up? I thought of this after crushing some stems last night, so i don't have any to experiment with right now. I'm thinking it would have the same...
  9. WeedFreak78

    Stagnant res organic hydro with O2 producing bacteria, is it possible?

    I'm just spitballing here.. So I got into it about DO levels in hydro with this douche:dunce:, you know who you are stay the fuck out of my thread:finger:, and really started digging into research. Apparently, there's photosynthetic bacteria that can survive in stagnant water that produces O2...
  10. WeedFreak78

    Grass alternatives? Ground covers?

    I want to get rid of the grass in most of my yard. I'm (slowly) turning it all into edible gardens and don't want small areas of grass I need to keep maintaining. I've been taking it down to dirt regularly with a weed whacker but that's getting old. What can I plant that'll overtake the grass...
  11. WeedFreak78

    Opinions on my soil recycling amendments

    I'll start out by saying this isn't 100% organic, if this needs moving, I'm fine with that, just figured the largest knowledge base is in here. I'm going back to soil indoors after years of hydro and want to setup a soil recycling system so I dont have to keep buying it. Looking to build a...
  12. WeedFreak78

    Botany science archive

    Found this cool site, seems to be through the Hamburg university botanical dept. All archived botanical science papers. Home page A-z index
  13. WeedFreak78

    Older Finnish women

  14. WeedFreak78

    Heating system help?

    I know we have some hvac guys around here. I have 3 year old Vitodens mod/con boiler running FHW heat and indirect hot water for tap. The boiler first feeds into a low loss header with a vent on the top. Twice in the last couple months, that I've noticed, it's blown water out this vent. It...
  15. WeedFreak78

    Drip system critique

    I'm throwing together a couple last minute drip system so I can go away for a few days. Would like some opinions to see if there's any problems I overlooked. It's all soil, so I'm just running ro water. First system is going to have a 400 gph pond pump in an insulated 18 gal tote, run out...
  16. WeedFreak78

    Soil compaction in walking rows

    I put in a new big veggie garden this year. After I got it set up, we had some heavy rain, I had to lay plywood strips on the ground to walk between my rows to plant, it was so muddy. Im running raised bed rows, appx 24-30" wide and around 20" tall, the beds were fine, but the walking paths...
  17. WeedFreak78

    Rick and Morty

    Anyone else watch? Best cartoon out there right now. Just found this, based off actual court transcripts. Lol..
  18. WeedFreak78

    Indoor soil storage/ composting

    I'm going back over to soil after doing hydro for the last 2 years. Last time I ran soil I lost everything to a combined gnat/ aphid infestation. I'm pretty sure it's because I was bringing in soil from my outdoor compost piles. This new dirt is never leaving my basement, gonna use, amend...
  19. WeedFreak78

    Silica in nutrients, mix first or last?

    I running Botanicare PBP w/supplements. On Botanicares site I've found where it says to add silica first, then in another area where it says to add it last. Under the Silica Blast FAQS: "Q: When mixing nutrients, should I add Silica Blast before or after adding other supplements? A: Silica...