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  1. a mongo frog

    Fucking neighbor sprayed my plant with thompson water seal

    so my neighbor was spraying his side of the fence with water seal today. he was using one of the air compressor spray guns. my sour diesel sweet hart was sitting on the fence line when i noticed what he was doing and she was covered in over spray. Question is any thing going to happen in a bad...
  2. a mongo frog

    WTF is this fuckin shit??? Is it bad or good?

    looks like sap to me. real sticky. any one seen this?
  3. a mongo frog

    Why is this Happening to me..........

    so i have 3 plants going under 1 k air cooled hood, about 18 inches away, temps at 75 lights on, rh at 55. as u can see the plant in the first picture has this bleaching looking bushy cotton ball looking top tip. other 2 look good like picture. strain Girl Scout Cookie. 25 days into flower. any...
  4. a mongo frog

    Girl Scout Cookies ????

    so a patient of mine just called me up and said have u heard of girl scout cookies? i said no i have not, and he began to tell me how its going to be the next big thing. has any one heard of this? he also said u can get cuts in san francisco for 1200 bucks a cut. was he fucking with me or is...
  5. a mongo frog

    Anyone think its going to be a fight ?

    mayweather vs ortiz, any chance we see a great fight?
  6. a mongo frog

    Mongo needs advise with sour d...

    so i got 2 sour diesel plants. the girls will be in 9th week tomorow. to me they look close the trichs are mostly clear and cloudy and a little amber. my question is how does RIU like their sour diesel, trichs wise? thanks.
  7. a mongo frog

    Question about rh. Anwsers Needed Please

    heres the question, im running co2 and im suffering from vapor pressure deficit. ive been trying to reserch whats the correct rh for burning co2. the 2 links are telling me 2 different levals at which my rh should be. the valahallaseeds chart says i should be around 75% rh, the other link says...
  8. a mongo frog

    Has some one posted the bully beat down on u tube ?

    hey has some one posted the bully gettin smashed afer starting shit. i dont know how to do the video post thing
  9. a mongo frog

    Should The Prices Change?

    ok, my gf and i enjoy making clones for a few patient friends we have. we used to do the rockwool cube method and it always seemed like we were babysitting the cuttings. we got an ez cloner a while back. we really dont have to do anything but make cuttings when we use the ezcloner. my question...
  10. a mongo frog

    They Want To Chop My Balls Off!!!!!!!!

    hello every one at RIU my name is mongo. im a 5 month old american pit bull. theres been some arguing at my house about getting me neutered. my human mom and her daughter want my balls choped off. but my human dad says no way. i hear them yelling at each other about this situation. im not mean...
  11. a mongo frog

    Fallin' Heros

    just wanted to say thanks to all the people who have a sence of humor. so so funny, and every one is great. thanks to every one that hated the posts. your comments were priceless. no one hates any one on this site. its not the girl with the red hair every one gots your back, to the...
  12. a mongo frog

    Day 19 almost staked, taking forever....

    heres my med grow 19 days into flower. Sour D, chemdawg. staking is taking forever. probobly 8 more hours left.
  13. a mongo frog

    did OJ really do it ???

    im mean the glove didnt fit. what about the cocaine drug lords. and their drug problom. what about the dirty cops. wtf happened?
  14. a mongo frog

    WTF...... why ME

    im in need of some advice quick. my inlets to my air cooled hoods r fuckin sweating beading with fuckin water. there not going past the first light. but its fuckin killin me. the plants r doing great. its been happening in the morning hours. i got 3 fuckin 35 pint dehues in there. ive tried...
  15. a mongo frog

    Is it possible to... Please help

    hey i was wondering is it possible to hermi a mother plant in veg? like stress the mother out or something and make cuttings then those cuttings hermi on u because of the mom. or does one have to stress the clone out in flower then the plant starts to turn on u? heres the issue i have mother...
  16. a mongo frog

    Who remembers good old mex weed

    what ever happened to 20 dollar zips. snap crakle pops, and a headache. just thaught id ask:-(
  17. a mongo frog

    1st time grower. Did i prune too much. PLEASE HELP....

    my neighbor said i pruned too much. hes trippin right?
  18. a mongo frog

    Three plants have probloms in room with many

    i have 3 plants that are rolling or cannoing,ive seen it before and just went with it. i now want to know what could be causing this.
  19. a mongo frog

    Three plants have problem in room with many

    theres 3 plants in my garden that r curling or canoing.have seen it before,and just went with it. now i want to know what could it be.