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  1. dirtyho1968

    Top 10 RIU Sex Doll Hotties

    I'm waiting for Beardo to post his first.
  2. dirtyho1968

    Share your dreams / nightmares.

    Ok, so I posted this dream in the random jibber jabber thread but thought this might be a cool idea for a thread. I'd love to read about your weird dreams or nightmares if you care to share a dream you have had and remember. Here's one I just had recently that kinda freaked me out the rest of...
  3. dirtyho1968

    Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?
  4. dirtyho1968

    Any Ac experts out there?

    Ok, so I have a 4 ton Excel Stealth AC unit that has been running fine for a few years. All of a sudden the compressor stopped working. I ordered a new compressor box and my unit ran for a day before the new compressor heated up again and stopped working.. I changed the motor in the condenser...
  5. dirtyho1968

    Women's Motocross. LMAO!
  6. dirtyho1968

    NFL Playoffs... YEAH!

    So, here we are in the last week of the regular season of the NFL. Has your team already clinched a playoff spot? Are they in the hunt? As some of you already know, I'm a Raiders fan. So there's a chance that the Raiders can win the AFC West. Yeah I know... Save your insults, I've heard them...
  7. dirtyho1968

    The dead musician thread.

    Pay your respects by posting a video, link or share words of an artist or a band member that has moved you. It doesn't matter what kind of music you like. If it moved you, then it worked.
  8. dirtyho1968

    Thursday Night Football

    Is anyone else interested in this game besides me? I mean he was 2 for 8 last week in passing and yet they won, again.
  9. dirtyho1968

    Burning Man

    Just got the phone with a good buddy of mine that now lives in WA. He went to Burning Man this year and had the funniest stories and tells me I MUST go. I've never been but think I will be going next year. Anyone have any good stories from burning man?
  10. dirtyho1968


    So I caught a glimpse of that earlier thread before it got deleted and don't know if that dude was serious? I heard some Nirvana today on the radio and thought about a friend that killed herself last year, which left me thinking. Are humans the only mammals or animals for that matter that commit...
  11. dirtyho1968

    Seniors who ate pot brownies at funeral hospitalized|met:300|cat:0|order:2
  12. dirtyho1968

    Al Davis dead at 82

    I know a lot of people hated him but the man did a lot for the NFL. RIP.
  13. dirtyho1968

    The Real Doll. Would you hit it?

    Ok, so anyone see that special on Real Dolls or hear that on Howard Stern a couple of years back? Would you hit that shit if your chick was gone or you were single? I have no shame, I would. Chicks have all kinds of good toys. Though they are a bit creepy, I'd hit a real doll just to see how it...
  14. dirtyho1968

    You ever drink so much you have a hangover for literally almost a week?

    I did. I do. I'm done (for a while). I almost checked myself into a hospital instead of the airport on monday. I thought I was going to get a dui on my way to the airport even though I hadn't drank in 12 hrs prior and then sweat it out the whole time there. It was bad. I flew out of West Palm...
  15. dirtyho1968

    Fat bastard, buy two seats!

    Seriously, If I pay for a plane ticket and on top of that have to pay another 60 for the extra leg room because that's all that's left on the seating chart, I don't want you spilling into my seat for 6 hrs. Buy two seats.:wall:
  16. dirtyho1968

    Giant Taco Salad Inventor

    Bored but this always makes me laugh.
  17. dirtyho1968

    Thank god football is back!

    I'm not a saints or packers fan but what a great game to kick off the season.
  18. dirtyho1968

    HBO Documentary "Superheros"

    Ok so I watched this documentary where these people actually roam the streets at night looking to stop crime in their home made "super hero" outits. It was pretty amusing. These people are nuts. If you have HBO on demand and want a good laugh, smoke a bowl and trip on this show. Have a great day...
  19. dirtyho1968

    Oldie but a goody!

    Dumbest cop ever.
  20. dirtyho1968


    Yesterday went zip lining then got hammered on the beach! I love so cal! :-P:leaf::-P